per acer land 15000rs in tamilnadu


Land for sale

Dear Mr.Raj.

We, Multi Trade Links, based in Mumbai is a Trading company mainly dealing in

Medicinal Plants, Herbs, seeds & its value added products and all sort of

Eco-Friendly Items and Land Buy-Sell business since 2003.

We are interested in your land proposal and want to know further full

details, please contact us directly with your contact details

Thanks & regards.

Multi Trade Links,

Mobile :
+ 91 98 33 666 888
+ 91 97 02 666 888
+ 91 81 08 666 888

Telephone :
+ 91 22 29 666 888

Fax :
+ 91 22 40 166 888

Mail :

agri land to purchase

hai pls give me more details of location of the land in TN. And also provide ur mob no. for contacting u.

Rs 15000 per acre in Tamil Nadu

Dear Sir
Please send the details
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Land at 15,00 rs in Tamilnadu.

Sir, I am interested to buy 50 acres for agri. purpose. Pl let me know the correct location and

description about the land to '" or pl furnish your phone no . or Email Id.

15 K -per acre

Dear Sir,

Not able to view the specification or the land said,kindly help me in this.Its GREAT to know the cost & want purchase mini 50 acres.Kindly call or mail regarding this.

K Badrinath
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land TN Rs15,000

Send me the location and other details , whether it is suitable for agriculture.
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