


We are trying to make pachakaviya .But, fungus are attacked so we couldnt get it. Mixed things are below.
1.Cow dung
2.cow urine
If anyone suceed in making pachakaviya please share yours ideas that would be great help for us.

For making approx. 20 litres of panchagavya you need the following:
* Fresh cow dung - 5kg
* Fresh cow’s urine – 3 litres
* Cow’s milk – 2 litres
* Cow’s curd – 2 litres
* Cow’s ghee – 500 gms
* Jaggery – 500 gms
* Water or sugarcane juice - 3 litres
* Ripe banana fruit - 1 bunch (12 nos.)
* Tender coconut water – 3 litres
* toddy – 2 litres
(If toddy is not available, you can ferment 3 litres of tender coconut water by keeping it in a pot for 1 week. That will become toddy. )

Method of preparation:
* Take 5 kgs of fresh cow dung and mix it thoroughly with 500 gms of cow’s ghee and keep it in a plastic drum or a mud pot. It should not be kept in a metal container because it will corrode and react with the metal. Keep the ghee and the cow dung mixture for 4 days, mixing it twice a day.
* On the 5th day add cow’s urine, cow’s milk (cow’s milk can be boiled, cooled and then added) and cow’s curd, then jaggery with water or sugarcane juice and banana fruit (which has to be mashed and mixed thoroughly.) Then tender coconut water has to be added.
* Wait for another 15 days, stirring twice daily. Stirring the contents for about 20 minutes each time facilitates aerobic microbial activity.
* On the 19th day the panchagavya solution will be ready. This solution must be kept under a net, i.e. it must be covered with a muslin or fine cloth so that the common fly cannot sit on it and lay eggs. For use after 19th day, stir the mixture at least once a day to aerate it.

200ml of this solution can be diluted with 10 litres of water with proper stirring for spraying on plants. For soil application, dilute 1000ml in 10litres of water.

Periodicity of use
Once in 15 days, it can be used for all crops. In winter crops, 1.5-2% usage is sufficient but for all other crops 3% should be used.


hello sakthi,

thanks for your great support
we prepared panjakavya like this way. But we face a another problem
that is fongus forms on top of the panjakavya & bad smell
we saw this problem from 3rd day.
if anything wrong please correct me
thank you


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