PADDY High Yield Fertilizer



Senior Member
Dear Members,

WIN-EA-CROP Organic fertilizer increases Paddy Crop yields by 10 Bags and more (30% to 75% higher yields per acre).

WIN-EA-CROP is a low priced Organic fertilizer. WIN-A-CROP protects crops from diseases and minor pests also.

WIN-EA-CROP supplements 2 way nutrition to the beneficial soil microorganism and crops. Increases soil fertility and paddy crop yields.

WIN-EA-CROP is having many national and international credentials like Certifications from Agriculture Universities, Government Research Stations, Organic Certification from UK and official nomination for WORLD FOOD PRIZE (USA), for its performance on Agriculture Crops productivity.

Farmers and Fertilizer dealers, for more information or to buy WIN-EA-CROP, please email to

DK Prabhaakar, CEO.,
Advaanced Biotech Research Projects,
WIN-A-CROPP Projects (Mfg & Mktg),
# 104, Surya Prabha Paradise,
Door No: 18-1-21/14, Maharanipet,
Visakhapatnam-530002, A.P., INDIA.
Tel & Fax: +91-891-2754178 ,
Mobile : +91-98481-95999 .
E-mail id:

Please inquire through e-mail

Dear Member,

Good day. Many thanks for your kind inquiry.
Please send your inquiry through email: for detailed information along with relevant attachments. Agriinfo mail box cannot accommodate the info.

Prabhaakar DK.
