Osmanabadi Goats For Sale:Best For GoatFarming



Well-Known Member
"we provide you the pure breeding osmanabadi goats at reasonable prices"
We provide you the pureline breeding osmanabadi goats at reasonable prices.These osmanabadi goats are suitable for stall feed,semi stall feed and open grazing goat farm systems.You will get the best of female goats(does),which yields plenty of milk(1-2ltr per day*) and kids (4-8 per yr*).

The best part of these osmanabadi goats is that,they can accommodate easily in any part of the country,they are disease resistant's so that they provides you huge profit in lesser time.They eats any farm fodder,vegetables,grass,pulp of pulses which are usually thrown by the farmers as waste part.Osmanabadi goats are recommended by veterinary doctors for goat farming.Start your goat farm business with these specially selected osmanabadi goats and earn handsome profit.With sky rocketing meat prices, shortage of supply and increased demand for meat,goat farming has become a viable business option.This breed is considered useful both for meat and milk.
All our goats are healthy.
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Active Member
some will provide you osmanabadi goats,but not yielding milk,having low reproductive capacity,or some are not reproducing at all.And these types of goats are easily available in local market at cheaper rates.Some of the sellers provide u good bucks,but impotent.So even on mating goat fails to produce kids. ( as per our products in your website)

indirectly you guarantee your goats yield and reproductive capacity and you are telling in Buyers Terms and Conditions in your website that once the Osmanabadi Goats leaves your premises there is no guarantee....

dosen't make any sense.... thejumathew@gmail.com


Well-Known Member
new goat farmer

Dear P T Mathew,

when goats are at our farm we can show thier reproductive capacity,but after goats are taken to buyers farm it is his responsibility to take care of goats,to perform the practices correctly.As we are in goat farming since years knows all the breeding methods,so cant say whether the buyer knows the same methods or not.So we wont provide any guarantee coz its buyers responsibility of handling goats.If buyer wont provide good quality of fodder,wont provide buck during heat period for mating purpose goat doesnt gets pregnant at all,and we are not responsible for it its the buyer.There are lots of other examples which the breeders(experts) only knows it.so the old breeders wont have any problem in breeding any type of goats.There are lots of laymans who wont follows any goat farming practices or have any practical knowledge on goat farming,in such cases they gets the low results what they have therotically known or expected and they blaims that goats are not of satisfied quality but its not so,so the terms and conditions are for them.

Goats are mamals,so no body in this world provides the guarantee of mamals as long as they knows how they grows.so we knows that all our goats do well on our farm,but if some buyer says that they wont do well on their farm,it is his fault(handling of goats) and not ours.We are registered farm and rules are as per Government of Maharashtra which we have to implement.
Only a lay man asks for guarantee of goats not the old breeder,and the terms and conditions are for layman's only.


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Well-Known Member
Pureline osmanabadi breeding males and females which are best suitable for any climatic conditions in India ,for sale.
