Original Murrah Buffalos


Re: supply of murrah buffaloes

It is true that the best dairy buffaloes like Murrah and Nili Ravi are found in India but all the dairy farmers in India know that they are not easily available and the reliability of animal and its true potential are often hard to guess before purchase of animal. We specialize in supply of Pure breeds of excellent lactating and pregnant buffaloes of followinsg types:-
 Pure Murrah Buffaloes of excellent body confirmation, Good udder, tightly curled horns, dairy temperament and milk yield capacity of 2000 to 4000 liters in a lactation (10 – 20 kg. per day.)
 Pure Nili Ravi buffaloes with milk yield capacity of 2000 to 3600 liters in a lactation. ( 10 – 18 kg. per day)
 Pure Bhadavari Buffaloes of true type with milk yield capacity of 1300 to 1800 kg in a lactation. The average fat content in milk of Bhadavari buffalo is 10%+
All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders.
Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.
I'am searching for original murrah breed buffalos. Please let me know, if anyone in Andhra pradesh can sell.

Pregnant murrah buffaloes and HF/Jersey cows available

Dear Sir,

We have 6 murrah buffaloes procured from Jind (haryana) for sale. They gave us 12-13 lpd in their lactation.

Also we have few HF, Jersey and Sahiwals of good breed available for sale.

Please feel free to visit the farm sometime.

Madur Singhal
Jakon Dairy

It is true that the best dairy buffaloes like Murrah and Nili Ravi are found in India but all the dairy farmers in India know that they are not easily available and the reliability of animal and its true potential are often hard to guess before purchase of animal. We specialize in supply of Pure breeds of excellent lactating and pregnant buffaloes of followinsg types:-
 Pure Murrah Buffaloes of excellent body confirmation, Good udder, tightly curled horns, dairy temperament and milk yield capacity of 2000 to 4000 liters in a lactation (10 – 20 kg. per day.)
 Pure Nili Ravi buffaloes with milk yield capacity of 2000 to 3600 liters in a lactation. ( 10 – 18 kg. per day)
 Pure Bhadavari Buffaloes of true type with milk yield capacity of 1300 to 1800 kg in a lactation. The average fat content in milk of Bhadavari buffalo is 10%+
All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders.
Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.

Hello Madur Singhal,
thanks for your kind reply. As i'am from andhra pradesh, it will be a little bit difficulty for the transportation from haryana to Andhra pradesh.

If ican't fing the best in AP or some near by areas then definately i will get back to you.
Thank you very much.

Hello Mr. Madur Singhal I want to buy your buffalos if the price is OK.
I Have a form witht 40 buffalo's 20 Milking.
I am looking for 25+ Murrah Buffalo's
If you can I want picture of each, What Lactation (I want 2nd or 3rd year)?.
Date of Calving?, Age of animal? Sex of Calf? Kg of Milk each day? and last the Price of each?
Please contact....
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Hi, We have these Murrah Buffaloes for Sale.
All are 3 Months old confirmed pregnent.

One in 4th Lactation will give 17Kg Per Day, Price 32000/-
One in 2nd Lactation will give 11-12 Kg Per Day, Price 25000/-
One in 3rd Lactation will give 12-13 Kg Per Day, Price 27000/-

Three and half year old, Four teeth Murrah Bull available for 20000/-

All the prices are Ex Farm, Please calculate Transportation to your place from 35 KM South of Hubli, Karnataka.


can you send me more details

can you send me more details

Dear Sir,

We have 6 murrah buffaloes procured from Jind (haryana) for sale. They gave us 12-13 lpd in their lactation.

Also we have few HF, Jersey and Sahiwals of good breed available for sale.

Please feel free to visit the farm sometime.

Madur Singhal
Jakon Dairy

suraj send me more details

suraj send me more details

Hi, We have these Murrah Buffaloes for Sale.
All are 3 Months old confirmed pregnent.

One in 4th Lactation will give 17Kg Per Day, Price 32000/-
One in 2nd Lactation will give 11-12 Kg Per Day, Price 25000/-
One in 3rd Lactation will give 12-13 Kg Per Day, Price 27000/-

Three and half year old, Four teeth Murrah Bull available for 20000/-

All the prices are Ex Farm, Please calculate Transportation to your place from 35 KM South of Hubli, Karnataka.


Murrah buffaloes in Jaipur

You can contact me.... We have good murrahs and cows available at our farm in Jaipur.
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Is the Murrah for sale is Pure or Graded ones?Can I have Photos.I am looking for 2nd lacation ones and the one which is 3 year old as well.Make sure that these will yield about 12 liter+.Lot of traders say 12 liters but once it reach farm it will give hardly 6-7 liters.Please let me know details

new one to start business

Hi, We have these Murrah Buffaloes for Sale.
All are 3 Months old confirmed pregnent.

One in 4th Lactation will give 17Kg Per Day, Price 32000/-
One in 2nd Lactation will give 11-12 Kg Per Day, Price 25000/-
One in 3rd Lactation will give 12-13 Kg Per Day, Price 27000/-

Three and half year old, Four teeth Murrah Bull available for 20000/-

All the prices are Ex Farm, Please calculate Transportation to your place from 35 KM South of Hubli, Karnataka.


hello, i am from andhra pradesh i want to buy 30 buffelos, 1 he-buffalo how much its costs, how it is delievred to my place this is samuel from ap

need murrah buffaloes in Karnataka

hi ,

planning to start the dairy with 10 murrah buffaloes , can u please send us the information regarding cost, phone no. to contact

hi ,

planning to start the dairy with 10 murrah buffaloes , can u please send us the information regarding cost, phone no. to contact.

Contact me
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Murah buffelo wanted

Hi, We have these Murrah Buffaloes for Sale.
All are 3 Months old confirmed pregnent.

One in 4th Lactation will give 17Kg Per Day, Price 32000/-
One in 2nd Lactation will give 11-12 Kg Per Day, Price 25000/-
One in 3rd Lactation will give 12-13 Kg Per Day, Price 27000/-

Three and half year old, Four teeth Murrah Bull available for 20000/-

All the prices are Ex Farm, Please calculate Transportation to your place from 35 KM South of Hubli, Karnataka.


Do u still have the buffelo the one in the second lactation..

Nehra dairy farm

hi ,

planning to start the dairy with 10 murrah buffaloes , can u please send us the information regarding cost, phone no. to contact

Hlo sir I am ashok from haryana in jind district and I provide u the best quality of Murrah buffalo's in Low price of the buffalo plz contact me 8901074330
