Organic Soil Enhancer {INDOCERT} Gr.



Indian soil being very poor in organic matter and major plant nutrients, addition of regular doses of organic manures in requisite quantities can help restoration of soil health and also compensate the loss of basic nutrients of every year from soil due to uptake of crops. Therefore, use of organic manure is extremely essential for better crop productivity and maintaining the fertility of soil to ensure sustainable production.
What is Soil rich?
Soil rich is a High-tech Biotechnologically Mixture of Press mud, Gypsum and Beneficial Micro Organism. It helps to improve soil. It also helps to reduce soil alkalinity. It also helps to improve Microbiological activity.
 A Modern biotechnology, A complete plant food nutrients for A Big tasty, healthy, organic fruits & Vegetables. A thick lush green loan and flowers with long lasting colorful blooms.
Benefits of Soil rich:-
 Most useful to reduce soil alkalinity.
 More secured and stable release of plant food nutrient elements as per requirement of crop plants. Therefore no losses due to percolation and evaporation.
 Gradually increases soil fertility through improving soils physical conditions and microbiologically activity.
 Very high moisture retention capacity reduces water requirements.
 Improves quality of farm produce (color, Texture, taste etc.) increase self life and nutrient contents to provide nursing diet
 Most Affordable input, that increases productions, reduces cost of cultivation and offer scope for value addition. In the form of organic agriculture made from eco friendly biotechnology using Pressmud and gypsum.
 Reduces air, water and soil chemical pollutions.
### Packing Size:- 10 Kgs, 25 Kgs., 50 Kgs. ###Dosage:- 50 Kg/Acre
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