Organic Fertlizer for 100% higher yields !



Established Member
Dear Farmers,

"WIN-A-CROP" Hi-Yield Promoter is the World's latest research product. It DOUBLES the yields of Cotton, Chilies, Coconuts, Fruits & Vegetables crops, Flower Crops, Seed Crops and Medicinal Crops.

Simple spray of WIN-A-CROP, improves Soil fertility and Crops productivity, resulting in 100% and above higher yields, fetching highest income to the Farmers and Corporate Cultivators.

WIN-A-CROP is Eco-friendly Organic Growth Promoter with world’s most advanced SMMAAP technology. It promotes rich green growth, highest yields & quality and resistance to Viral, Fungal & Bacterial diseases.

WIN-A-CROP technology is nominated for WORLD FOOD PRIZE, USA, (equal to "Nobel Prize" in Food & Agriculture Productivity) and certified by the scientists of Agriculture University.

It is also represented to the Honorable Central Agriculture Minister Sri Sharad Pawar in support of SECOND GREEN REVOLUTION aimed to DOUBLE the farm-productivity and farmers income.

We are welcoming Farmers to apply WIN-A-CROP for DOUBLED Yields and Income and inviting Distributors from all states of India for marketing.

For more information/ business inquiries or to buy the product, please contact us on 098481-95999 or email to organictech@gmail .com

Prabhakar DKS, CEO.,
Advanced Biotech Research Projects,
WIN-A-CROP Projects (Mfg & Mktg),
# 104, Surya Prabha Paradise,
Door No: 18-1-21/14, Maharanipet,
Visakhapatnam-530002, A.P., INDIA.
Tel & Fax: +91-891-2754178,
Mobile : +91-98481-95999.
E-mail id:

dear sir i have 5 acre land 6 mounth back i put coconet tree how to help your win a crop fertilizer for my form

Doubles the Growth rate & Yields

dear sir i have 5 acre land 6 mounth back i put coconet tree how to help your win a crop fertilizer for my form

Dear Mr. Umadass,

WIN-A-CROP helps your young plants to grow at DOUBLE the speed and attain fruit bearing potential with in half the normal duration.

And in yielding stages WIN-A-CROP supports to DOUBLE the yields.

You can email to for detailed info.

Prabhakar DKS,
Advanced Biotech Research Projects.

tOOrdal cultivation

Dear Prabakar sir,

do have supply any thing which give more yield in redgram toordal. Now I am getting around 8 quintals (800 Kg) from acre in rabi season. can any of your product can increase it to double as you told. My lands in Karnataka_Tumkur disticr. If u have that herbal high yield product, please quote the price for one acre. I try for five acres this year.

Thanking you.
Yours faithufull
Kumar Sahay
Kripal Farms

Detailed info of WIN-A-CROP

Dear Prabakar sir,

do have supply any thing which give more yield in redgram toordal. Now I am getting around 8 quintals (800 Kg) from acre in rabi season. can any of your product can increase it to double as you told. My lands in Karnataka_Tumkur disticr. If u have that herbal high yield product, please quote the price for one acre. I try for five acres this year.

Thanking you.
Yours faithufull
Kumar Sahay
Kripal Farms

Dear Mr. Kumar Sahay,

Please email us to for detailed information.

Prabhakar DKS,
Advanced Biotech Research Projects.
