Organic Farming Training Course Starting -3 March 2019. South Bangalore.

Due you have this type of training in other parts of India?
Due to prior appointment I am not able to attend this session.
Please inform me about the next session.

Madhab Panda
Organic Farming Training Courses scheduled to start by end of Jany/first week of Feb 2019 at Farm & Training Centre in Madoshi Village, Bhiwandi Taluk, Thane District (<> 100 KM from Mumbai) and at Kaggalipura, South Bangalore (Off: Kanakapura Road) and at Hubli. Only few seats are available. If interested to join, please mail request for Prospectus and Form immediately to E:

Hi sir
I am very much interested in Short Term-Holiday Course. So please send me Prospectus and Advance Registration Form
Organic Farming Training Courses scheduled to start by end of Jany/first week of Feb 2019 at Farm & Training Centre in Madoshi Village, Bhiwandi Taluk, Thane District (<> 100 KM from Mumbai) and at Kaggalipura, South Bangalore (Off: Kanakapura Road) and at Hubli. Only few seats are available. If interested to join, please mail request for Prospectus and Form immediately to E:

Dear sir,
I have sent you request mail for details of Three month course.
Please let me know the details and course start date
Organic Farming Training Courses scheduled to start by end of Jany/first week of Feb 2019 at Farm & Training Centre in Madoshi Village, Bhiwandi Taluk, Thane District (<> 100 KM from Mumbai) and at Kaggalipura, South Bangalore (Off: Kanakapura Road) and at Hubli. Only few seats are available. If interested to join, please mail request for Prospectus and Form immediately to E:

This is a first of its kind, fully practical, on-farm organic farming training course offered in India, without charging any fee for the course from trainees.
But, participants have to bear costs of their training materials, inputs, implements, food, accommodation and their travel.

Course Start: June-July 2018 (Kharif Season). Course batches will be held throughout the year (June 2018-May 2019)
Main Aims for Conducting the Course:
01. To assist farmers to change into organic and other natural and low input cost farming systems and to diversify into high value crops to reduce farm distress and financial problems of farmers, and simultaneously make our food and herbs free from chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
02. To train all people interested, mainly students, youth and farming dreamers from other professions who want to switch to farming and increase organic/natural farmers in India and all over the world.
Course Benefits: Those who complete the course can set up own organic farms or organic farm based enterprises in their home locality, and also act as our Member Consultant (Self Employment) in their locality and generate clients for our diverse consultancy services and business related to farming and farm products and coordinate bulk sales and supply of farm products which will provide high income. We will provide all supports to course participants to become self-employed through organic farming of high value crops or farm related enterprises and thus help them to become successful in life and become role models in their home locality.
Course Content:
The course will be fully practical, by hands-on work in the farm by the trainees along with our expert team of farmers, farming consultants, and workers. Course will include the following:
01. Theories and hands-on practical training in organic/traditional/natural/bio-dynamic/zero budget/do-nothing/spiritual/vriksha ayurveda systems of farming based on sustainable farm development and management systems (SFDMS) including high value crops (HVCs) multi cultivation practices for cereals, pulses, vegetables, fruits, spices, herbs, aromatics, flowers, oil seeds, beverage crops, cash crops, fodder crops, wood/timber crops, forest trees, garden plants, avenue plants, fence plants, energy and firewood trees, bio-diesel plants, water crops, desert crops, high altitude crops etc.
02. Theories and hands-on practical training in cultivation practices in open farms (wet, semi dry, arid conditions), inter-crops in existing farms/plantations, shade crops, home and backyard farming, urban farming in roof tops, street sides, gardens, campuses, and basics of vertical farming, green house, poly house, hydroponic farming etc. and basics in local organic cuisine and traditional health care systems based on Tribal, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, Tibetan, Chinese, Buddhist systems of health care.
03. Theories and hands-on practical training in farming support/farm based activities and enterprises such as apiary (bee keeping), dairy (cow, buffalo, goat/sheep etc.), piggery, poultry, quail farm, rabbit farm, fishery, mushrooms, farm tourism, farm products value addition enterprises, organic manure and organic pesticide production etc.
Course Types/Course Duration:
Short Term-Full Time Course (ST-FTC): 15 Days (from 6 AM - 6 PM on Farm)
2. Short Term-Holiday Course (ST-HC):15 Days-Full Time (7 AM - 7 PM on Farm): Sundays and Holidays.
3. One Month-Full Time Course (OM-FTC): 30 Days (6 AM - 6 PM on Farm)
4. Three Month-Long Term Course (TM-LTC): 90 Days-Full Time (6 AM – 6 PM on Farm)
5. Tailor Made on Demand Courses (TMDCs) with Specific Crop/Activity Training/Enterprise Training for Individuals and Groups.
Course Location: The course will be held at our 15 acre Organic Multi Crop Farm in Narasimhana Halli, 8 KM from Gauribidanur Town / 5 KM from Tondebhavi Bus Stop, Chikballapur District, Karnataka. Location: 3 KM inside village from SH 9: Bangalore-Gauribidanur-Lepakshi Road toward Hyderabad, 80 KM from Bangalore.
Please mail us request for Free Prospectus and Registration Form to E:

I m interested

All members in this thread:
The first course of 15 days full time or holidays announced in this thread is scheduled to start on 03 March 2019 (reporting time 9 AM) at our Farm and Training Centre at Kaggalipura village, 25 KM from Bangalore (15 KM from NICE Road Exit to Kanakapura Road).
Farm Location:

We also offer Internship of one month to 3 months for those interested Students of Botany / Zoology / Agriculture / Horticulture / Environmental Science / Ecology / Dairy Science etc and ready to work in the farm regularly. Internship will be offered at subsidised cost.

Please confirm immediately by mail (on or before 01 March 2019) by mail if you want to attend the course or internship, giving your complete contact details including mobile number number and address etc by mail to E:

Please come with completed Registration Form print out and make payment of 50% of total cost for the course in cash on the first day of the course at farm and balance to be paid on 5th day of the course.

Please see earlier mails sent to all of you who had sent request mails for Prospectus and Form.
So please send me Prospectus and Advance Registration Form
