Organic Farming - start from scratch



New Member
I am from Gujarat and want to start organic farm. My vision is to provide high quality food on reasonable price to people of india. I hate to see people eating slow poision everyday and also hate big players are charging premium price on organic food.

I do not have land, knowledge, instrument or people but i have desire and want to be a successful farmer.

Need direction from someone who has done this before..

Where should i start from?
What is the investment required typically ?
What are the major challenges ?
What is the profit margin ?
and many more questions...

Thanks in Advance.

Dear Sir

The land cost has to be obtained from the place where you are intending to buy the land.
The major challenges is people around you will give advice to leave organic farming and use chemicals to grow.
The profit margin differs from crop to crop and the also the cost effective in which you are using the labour.
We supply seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. We also give two days training in organic farming. The training place is in Tamil Nadu.

Please revert back to us to our email for further details required.
