Organic farming -clarification of doubts



Active Member
Hi all ! organic production is the talk of the town now a day. So many doubts prevail among the persons involved in organic farming with respect to practice and method of organic farming.

Also the pros and cons of the organic farming over conventional farming in the perspective of farm income to the Indian farming community.

Interested persons are requested to get themselves involved to post their opinions and experiences here so as to make our farming community stand clarified about suitable farming practices.

Hope people will come forward to participate in this discussion.


kirti s

Well-Known Member
Hello sir

organic farming is eco-friendly
leaves no substrate
imposes no side effects after consumption
renewes the soil nutrients
acts a a soil protectant.

but the economics involved is high and materials used are bulky as compared to conventional.


Senior Member
Hi all ! organic production is the talk of the town now a day. So many doubts prevail among the persons involved in organic farming with respect to practice and method of organic farming.

Also the pros and cons of the organic farming over conventional farming in the perspective of farm income to the Indian farming community.

Interested persons are requested to get themselves involved to post their opinions and experiences here so as to make our farming community stand clarified about suitable farming practices.

Hope people will come forward to participate in this discussion.

Dear ramu1970,

1.Organic Farming is good for the farmer as the expenses incurred is less and hence the farmer does not end up in debt and hence the thinking about suicide will not occur.
2.Organic Farming is good for the consumer as it does not have any pesticides and hence their health improve. You would have heard the saying, "Health is Wealth"
3.Organic Farming is sustainable farming as it does not leave any pesticide, weedicide etc on the ground and hence does not contaminate the environment.
4.The above are some of the benefits and there are other benefits as well.

Padmanabhan Ganesan
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Active Member
Organic Farming

Dear Mr.Padmanabhan !
Sir, what you have posted here is right about organic farming. But in the perspective of our Indian Farming community , particularly small and marginal farmers who have been eking out their life on the small income from their farm being subsistence in character, can you suggest any improved, practical way of enhancing their farm income thro' advanced organic farming methods. If so how organic farming methods work , what is the package, what is the expected return, net return, marketable surplus after meeting their domestic needs...

I trust the detailed information along with crop experience , if posted in this forum will be immensely helpful for those who struggle to gain expertise thro' Agriculture forum..

So for we are getting piece of information here and there ...leading us nowhere..
For example if any one cultivate paddy..we methodology should suggest right from ploughing ...what type/ kind of organic practiced need to be followed till harvest..what are all the expenses farmer will incur toward material cost of organic inputs..possible yield... comparative study of organic farming with conventional farming in terms availability of organic inputs, handling and application problems,yield and net income to the farmers out of unit area and the sustainability...

Why I am telling this is that once our farmers learn to practise organic farming economically then the very knowledge itself will act as catalyst and trigger their interest to undertake organic farming with minimum farming expenses..

Again thanking your good self for your valuable informations..



Dear All,
We are having 15 Different Types of Organic Fertilizer Which are manufactured in Karnataka and have all certificate for using these products.

Our products are using all over India and got good Result in terms of yield, pest control, Fungus control and water Management.

Our Products are Very Cheaper and superior Quality. Our product Ranges starts From Rs.210 for One Acre one time use.

Our Product Name are: K-Zyme,

K-Zyme Banana for High yield and export quality
K-Zyme Chilli for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Flowers for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Vegetables for high yield and export quality
K-Zyme Paddy high yield and export quality
K-Zyme wheat, for high yield and export quality
K-Fit for Fungicides,
K-Super pest Controller,
K-Mite for Controlling Mites
K-Wilt for bacterial wilt,
K-Hume for Soil fertility.

Price List
K-ZYME (250 ml) 245.00
K-WET (500 ml) 378.00
K-MITES (250 ml) 616.00
K-SUPER (250 ml) 588.00
K-WILT (100g) 182.00
K-WILT (250g) 420.00
K-BLAST (100g) 140.00
K-BLAST (250g) 294.00
K-ZYME CARDAMOM (1000ml) 840.00
K-ZYME CARDAMOM (5 Liters) 3,780.00
K-HUME (1000 ml) 588.00
K-ZYME-PADDY (250ml) 210.00
K-ZYME-BANANA (250ml) 245.00
K-ZYME-VEGETABLE (250ml) 210.00
K-ZYME-CHILLI (250ml) 308.00
K-ZYME-FLOWER (250ml) 350.00
K-ZYME-WHEAT (250ml) 210.00
K-HUME (5000 ml) 2,800.00
K-FIT (250 ml) 504.00

Contact Arun +919035770885 / Bangalore
