Organic Biofertilizer, Biocides for all Crops and Garden Nutrient



Active Member
Dear sir/madam,
We are offering high quality biofertilizer for all crops and also offering biopesticides and bioinsecticides in both liquid and powder formulation.

Our product name is "SAFS ROM"


SAFS ROM – Bio Fertilizer

SAFS ROM – Azospirillum
This is a Nitrogen (N) Fixing Bio Fertilizer product developed from Azospirillum Bacteria. Enables continuous Nitrogen (N) availability to plants from atmosphere and reduces the requirement of Chemical Nitrogen (N) use for plant growth over a period of time.

SAFS ROM – Phosphobacterium
This is a Phosphorus (P) Fixing Bio Fertilizer. Bacteria count increases its own and makes insoluble inorganic phosphate compounds in Soil into Soluble for plant Growth.

SAFS ROM – Potash Solubiliser
This is a Potash (K) Fixing Bio Fertilizer. Bacteria count increases its own and makes insoluble inorganic Potash compounds in Soil into Soluble for plant Growth

SAFS ROM - Zinc Solubiliser
This is a Zinc (Zi) Fixing Bio Fertilizer. Bacteria count increases its own and makes insoluble inorganic Zinc compounds in Soil into Soluble for plant Growth.

SAFS ROM - Silica Solubiliser
This is a Silica (Si) Fixing Bio Fertilizer. Bacteria count increases its own and makes insoluble inorganic Silica compounds in Soil into Soluble for plant and makes the plants to be more immune to protect from Diseases, Insects and Pest.

This is a Silica bacterium for Growth and immune development Bio Fertilizer. Bacterium secretes organic acids and act upon soil Silicates releasing mono silica acids which promotes growth, mineral uptake, water economy and confers rigidity and resistance against pests and Diseases.

SAFS ROM Bio Pesticides and Insecticides

This is a Bio Pesticide to control Soft bodied Insects. Entomopathogenic Fungus helps to control Sucking type of insects like aphids, mealy bugs, Jassids, thrips, mites, termites white flies etc., It can be used for Paddy, Cotton, Sugarcane, Banana, Ground nut, Cardamom, Pepper, Turmeric, Coffee, Grapes, Pomegranate and all types of vegetables.

This is a Bio Pesticide to control hard bodied Insects.Controls hard bodied Insects like caterpillers, borers, beetles and grubs from the crop and it can be used for Paddy, Cotton, Sugarcane, Banana, Ground nut, Cardamom, Pepper, Turmeric, Coffee, Grapes, Pomegranate and all types of vegetables.

This is a Bio Pesticide to control the termites in plants. Effectively Controls invade termites in crop plants Spores of the fungus invade termite’s body, proliferate inside insect body, Sporulate and cause death. Having consortia entomopathogenic Fungi having termiticidal properties and it can be used for all types of plant.

This is a Growth promoting and disease suppressing bacteria used for plant immune development. Combination of amorphous silica and disease suppressing bacterium and it can be used for can be used for all types of plant.

SAFS ROM Bio Fungicides

It effectively controls of soil-borne disease causing fungal pathogens and nematodes. It useful for control of Rhizome rot of turmeric and cardamom, fusarium wilt of banana, wilt disease of pepper, beetelvine, chilies, tomato and vegetables. Also controls Soil borne disease caused by pathogenic fungi like Phytophthora, Pythium, Sclerotium etc. It controls the plant parasitic nematodes such as root-knot nematodes, cyst nematodes and burrowing nematodes. It can be used for Banana, Cardamom, Pepper, Turmeric, Ginger, Pomegranate and all types of vegetables and other crops.

SAFS ROM – Pseudo Special
This is a Bio Fungicide Prevents and controls disease and helps plant growth. It effectively controls most of foliar diseases and certain soil borne diseases from Paddy, Cotton, Sugarcane, Pepper, Cardamom, Banana, Turmeric, Grapes, Citrus, Mango, Groundnut, Pomegranate, Coffee, Tea and all vegetable plants

SAFS Garden Nutrient
This is an innovative complete balanced quality nutrient solution for Gardens.
It is a combination of readily available plant nutrients and organic bio inputs provides highly enriched and balanced nutrients for effective plant growth and sustainability.
Controls plants from Soil borne diseases and Insecticides.
Builds immune to resist from diseases and insecticides
Utilizes minimum water consumption for plant growth
Useful for all type of Gardens in Home, Office, Resorts and hotels.
Eco Friendly Organic product to support environment.
Available in 3Kg comfort Bags.

SAFS Organic Enterprises,


Active Member

how about a single product, which will do all the jobs of all the products of yours put together.
