Organic agro booster



Agrima is an ORGANIC product which increase the yield of plant by 30 - 40 % , manufactured using 100% natural raw materials without any chemical substances.
Agrima is only an agro Booster which aims at increasing the sugar content or nectar of the plant and is not a Fertilizer. Agrima ensures guaranteed results.
Agrima can be used with all type of Plants, Vegetables , Fruits, trees etc EXCEPT Tea/ Coffee, Pumpkin variety.
Agrima ensures reduction of Fertilizer use (20 %) in the long run.
They have virtually no harmful impact on the environment, are absolutely non-poisonous and are non toxic in nature.
Agrima is an efficient photosynthetic activator, it reduces water needs and acts as a strenthening agent and a natural plant vaccination.
Agrima comes in pack of 500 grams only (500 grams is only needed for 1 ACRE)

After application of AGRIMA, the results noticed at the following stages are;

Leaves become stronger and recieve a deeper green coloration.
Micro-necrosis disappears from the leaf surface.
During the Season:
Plants need lesser watering.
The rythm of growth is visibly more dynamic and plants become more robust.
Higher resistance against diseases, various fungal diseases and insect attacks are reduced.

At Harvest:
Vegetation period is reduced upto 30%.
Increased yield (20% – 30%) and significant increase of dry matter content, skin resistance and organoleptic qualities.
Improved storing periods of fruits, vegetables and flowers.
Better taste and increase in sugar content.

Healthier crop with vigorous plant growth.
Increased quality of fruit, Vegetables, flowers (Size, Taste, Shelf life).
Enhanced resistance to drought, pests and diseases.
Increased yield (up-to 30%) and sugar content.
More organic dry matter in soil.
Reduced water demand.
Reduction in usage of Chemical fertilizers & Pesticides.

AGRIMA is mixed with water and sprayed as a fine mist/ fog on the plants, so that it can easily penetrate the leafs.
Crop should be watered at the time of application of AGRIMA.
Agitation is required to maintain suspension stability of micro particles.
The best time for spraying is early morning or late evening when temperatures are below 20 deg.
Do not mix AGRIMA with plant protection products such as pesticides & herbicides.
Do not spray during rain weather. Application should be repeated if it rains within 24hrs of application.
Do not spray any other foliar fertilizer or water within 24hrs of application of AGRIMA.

Those who are interested to try this product for application, dealership can contact
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New Member
I am interested to try this product for application. I will need two packets of 500 gms each.
Do you'll mail it to goa?
Thank you
