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Organic Farming and Food Production.

In organic farming, crops and other food are produced without chemicals. Fertilizers, pesticides, growth hormones and antibiotics are forbidden. During thousands of years of civilization the raising of animals and growing of plants have always been organic.

Chemicals for farming first came up at the turn of the 20th century. Widespread use of chemicals began after the Second World War

In the 1950s and 60s farmers started using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Recently, however, more and more farmers have been returning to more natural ways of producing farm products.

Organic farming methods

Instead of chemicals, organic farming uses a lot of organic matter to give crops the nutrients that they need to grow. Panchagavya an Organic Fertilizers has all the nutrients required for the soil and plant. Manure from animals and compost are also used to enrich the soil. These fertilizers also help conserve the soil, not destroy it after a few years.

Organic farmers also use crop rotation to preserve the good qualities of soils and avoid monoculture.

Chemical pesticides destroy or weaken many of the natural enemies of pests, like birds or frogs.
They also can kill those insects that control a great number of pests.

Organic farming creates new living areas for wasps, bugs, beetles and flies by giving them water and food.

Weeds are controlled by using special machines. Hay, straw and wood chips are put between the rows of plants to stop weeding.

Many agricultural products can be produced in an organic way. They live in conditions that are natural to them. Cows, for example, are kept in pastures and fields. Vegetables and fruit are also produced with organic methods.

Conventional vs. organic farming

Conventional farmers
• apply chemical fertilizers to soil to grow crops
• spray crops with insecticides and pesticides to prevent them from being damaged by pests and disease
• use herbicides to stop the growth of weeds

Organic farmers
• build soil with natural fertilizers in order to grow crops
• rely on the natural enemies of pests
• use crop rotation to conserve soil
• pull out weeds by hand

Advantages of organic farming
• Farmers can reduce their production costs because they do not need to buy expensive chemicals and fertilizers.
• Healthier farm workers.
• In the long term, organic farms save energy and protect the environment.
• It can slow down global warming.
• Fewer residues in food.
• More animals and plants can live in the same place in a natural way. This is called biodiversity.
• Pollution of ground water is stopped.

The Golden Words of Mahatma Gandhiji.

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.”
In order to save the traditional method of farming and to save the mother nature we are producing Panchagavya an Organic Fertilizers and Agnihastra an Organic Pesticides / Insecticides / Fungicides.

A small write up on the product is as below:

We are producing two products one is a Fertilizer and another one is a pesticide / insecticide / fungicide.

The name of the fertilizer is called as Panchagavya.

The process of producing the fertilizer is 51 days. The fertilizers is basically from the by-products of Indian breeds of cow and added to that we add jagerry, tender coconut and banana.

The fertilizer contains, all the nutrients required for the growth of the plant. Further it will have a PH level of around 4 and when it is mixed with the water the PH level of the water will be in between 6-7, thus the hardness of the water is taken care. Further the PH level of the water once it is mixed will be active for more than 48 hours.

The product has the following in its: Electrical Conductivity / Moisture / Nitrogen / Phosphorous / Potassium / Calcium / Magnesium / Sulfur / Sodium / Zinc / Manganese / Iron / Copper / C : N.

Further the product has Fungi Count / Bacterial Count / Lactobacillus.

The product will not have the following: Escherichia Coli / Staphylococcus Aureus / Salmonella sp. / Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Listeria moncytogenes.

Thus the product has all the good requirement of the agriculture and it will not have any bad which are not good for agriculture.

Further the product is certified as Organic Fertilizers. Additional benefit of this product is it will also act as a pesticide.

The recommended dosage of this around 10 litres per acre mixed in the ratio of 3:100 with water and to be sprayed on the plants / crops / trees. In the initial stages once in 15 days is recommended and in due course once is two months is comfortable.


The name of the pesticide / insecticide / fungicide is called as Agnihastra. The total process for preparing the product is 21 days. The main content of this product are cow by-products, garlic, neem leaves and barks, green chili and jaggery.

This product will not kill the pest or the insect, it will only drive out the pest and the insects. Normal diseases in the plants and the crops will be cured by this. Further it also acts as a fertilizers to the soil. The recommended dosage of this is 2% percent mixed in the water and to be sprayed on the plants / crops / trees. This product has to be applied only in case of necessity and it has to be applied once in four days till the pests are driven out. Normally in two applications this happens. This has to be applied either in the early morning hours or in late evening hours, at the time of sun rise or sun sets, and not to be applied in hot sun. In summer the dosage can be reduced to 1.5% ratio with water.

We request you to kindly use this and produce foods organically.

For further details please contact:

V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 51/7/1, Chitrakoot, Ratna Avenue,
Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025.
Ph: 080 41138389 / Mob: +91 99450 66699.

Effects of Chemical Farming

1 Land exhaustion The constant use of artificial fertilizer, together with a lack of crop rotation, reduces the soil's fertility year by year.

2 Fertilizers High yield levels are produced by applying large quantities of artificial fertilizers, instead of by maintaining the natural fertility of the soil.

3 Nitrate run-off About half of the nitrate in the artificial fertilizer used on crops is dissolved by rain. The dissolved nitrate runs off the fields to contaminate water courses.
4 Soil erosion Where repeated deep ploughing is used to turn over the ground, heavy rains can carry away the topsoil and leave the ground useless for cultivation.

5 Soil compaction Damage to the structure of soil by compression is a serious problem in areas that are intensively farmed. Conventional tillage may involve a tractor passing over the land six or seven times, and the wheeling’s can cover up to 90 per cent of a field. Even a single tractor pass can compress the surface enough to reduce the porosity of the soil by 70 per cent, increasing surface run-off and, therefore, water erosion. In the worst cases, the surface run-off may approach 100 percent - none of the water penetrates the surface.

6 Agricultural fuel As crop yields grow, so does the amount of fuel needed to produce them. European farmers now use an average of 12 tons of fuel to farm a square kilometer of land; American farmers use about 5 tons (1987 figures).

7 Biocide sprays The only controls used against weeds and pests are chemical ones. Most crops receive many doses of different chemicals before they are harvested.

8 Cruelty to animals On most "modern" farms, all animals are crowded together indoors. Complex systems of machinery are needed to feed them, while constant medication is needed to prevent disease. The cruelty involved in managing, breeding, growing and slaughtering farm animals today is unimaginably repulsive and horrifying.

9 Animal slurry With so many animals packed together in indoor pens, their manure accumulates at great speed. It is often poured into lagoons which leak into local watercourses, contaminating them with disease-causing organisms and contributing to algae-blooms.

10 Imported animal feed Many farms are not self-sufficient in animal feed; instead they rely on feed brought into the farm. This often comes from countries which can ill afford to part with it.

11 Stubble burning In countries where stubble is burned, large amounts of potentially useful organic matter disappear into the sky in clouds of polluting smoke.

12 Loss of cultivated biodiversity Large and other chemical farms tend to be monocultures growing the same crop and crop variety.
13 Threat to indigenous seeds and animal breeds and species Native cultivars and animal breeds lose out to exotic species and hybrids. Many native animal breeds are today threatened with extinction. The same holds true for many indigenous plant varieties which have disappeared within the space of one generation.

14 Habitat destruction Agribusiness farming demands that anything which stands in the way of crop production is uprooted and destroyed. The wild animals and plants which were once a common sight around farms are deprived of their natural habitat and die out.

15 Contaminated food Food, both plant and animal products, leaves the farm contaminated with the chemicals that were used to produce it.

16 Destruction of traditional knowledge systems and traditions Rural indigenous knowledge and traditions, both agricultural and non-agricultural, is invariably connected to agriculture and agricultural systems.

17 Control of agriculture inputs and food distribution channel The supply and trading in agricultural inputs and produce is in the hands of a few large corporations. This threatens food security, reducing the leverage and importance of the first and the last part of the supply chain - the farmer and the consumer.

18 Threat to individual farmers Chemical agriculture is a threat to their livelihoods and changes their lifestyles, unfortunately not for the better.

Source: Issues related to organic farming

Our Product Details with regard to Organic Farming:

We are producing the following two products.

Panchagavya – an organic fertilizer

Agnihastra – an organic pesticides / insecticides / fungicides.

The details about this product and the certificates can be viewed in our website Welcome to Buy Panchagavya | Organic Fertilizer Online

Please contact us for any requirement of this product.

V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No.51/7/1, Chitrakoot, Ratna Avenue,
Richmond Road,
Bangalore 560 025.
Ph: 080 41138389
Mobile: +91 99450 66699

Agriculture with Cow

The cow was elevated to divinity in the Rig Veda. In Book VI, Hymn XXVIII attributed to Rishi Bhardwaja extols the virtue of the cow. In Atharva Veda (Book X, Hymn X), the cow is formally designated as Vishnu, and `all that the Sun surveys'.

Indian society has addressed the cow as gow mata. The Churning of the Sea episode brings to light the story of the creation of the cow. Five divine Kamadhenus (wish cows), viz, Nanda, Subhadra, Surabhi, Sushila, Bahula emerged in the churning.

Thousands of names in our country are cow-related: Gauhati, Gorakhpur, Goa, Godhra, Gondiya, Godavari, Goverdhan, Gautam, Gomukh, Gokarna, Goyal, Gochar etc.

They signify reverence for the cow, and our abiding faith that the cow is Annapurna.

she cow, according to the Vedas, provides four products for human use: (i) Godugdha (cow milk): As per Ayurveda, cow milk has fat, carbohydrates, minerals and Vitamin B, and even a capacity for body resistance to radiation and for regenerating brain cells. (ii) Goghruta (ghee): The best ghee, it is, as per Ayurveda useful in many disorders. In yajna, it improves the air's oxygen level. (iii) Gomutra (urine): Lastly, (iv), Gomaya (dung) is considered as valuable as Gomutra and used to purify the environment, as it has radium and checks radiation effects.

We are having such gold with us and we are using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

It is now an accepted fact that the chemical fertilizers and pesticides not only have adverse effects on soil but also are harmful for human health. Even the agriculture scientists agree with the view that regular use of chemical fertilizers leads to a situation when land ultimately becomes unproductive and barren because of destruction of microbes.

On the other hand, organic manure provides most of the plant nutrients. The microbes are encouraged. Texture of the soil improves. It becomes porous with more aeration. Humus elements increase at a faster rate. Resistance power of the soil to fight fungus, pests and insects etc., increases. This all adds to the fertility of the soil.

The milk given by a Desi cow is only a bi-product. A Desi cow is not for milk, it is for Agriculture. The maintenance cost of a Desi cow is Rs.30/- to Rs.40/- a day. Approximately we need around Rs.1000/- to Rs.1500/- to maintain a cow. Per Annum it cannot be more than Rs.15000/- per cow. A Cow gives approximately 10 kgs of Cow dung and 10 litres of Cow Urine. Approximately it gives 300 kgs per month and 3600kg per year. With this we can create manure for approximately four acres of land. One cow will take care of the fertilizer and pesticides requirement of approximately 4 acres of land. Per acre for using Urea, Potash, and Synthetic pesticides we need approximately Rs.6000/- per annum. For four acres the cost will be Rs.24000/- which is definitely costlier than the maintenance of cow. The additional requirement is here the human work load will be more compared to using synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Once we start treating the cow as our family members, (which was done by our forefathers) the extra work and service done to the cow will not be an issue.

Since today the joint family concept is getting reduced and people started living is a smaller house with reduced family members, the maintenance of cow and keeping the cow along with them in the house is an issue. Hence in order to have the same effect of cow fertilizers and pesticides we are producing the following two products.

Panchagavya – an organic fertilizer

Agnihastra – an organic pesticides / insecticides / fungicides.

The details about this product and the certificates can be viewed in our website Welcome to Buy Panchagavya | Organic Fertilizer Online

Please contact us for any requirement of this product.

V Sudhindranath
LTA Trading Private Limited
No.51/7/1, Chitrakoot, Ratna Avenue,
Richmond Road,
Bangalore 560 025.
Ph: 080 41138389
Mobile: +91 99450 66699

Dear Friends

Fresh stocks have arrived, and person requiring Panchagavya - Organic Fertilizers and Agnihastra - Organic Pesticides / Insecticides / Fungicides please contact

V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91 99450 66699
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, "Chitrakoot", Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds,
Bangalore 560 001.
please visit

Dear Friends

Fresh stocks have arrived, and person requiring Panchagavya - Organic Fertilizers and Agnihastra - Organic Pesticides / Insecticides / Fungicides please contact

V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91 99450 66699
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, "Chitrakoot", Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds,
Bangalore 560 001.
please visit

Dear Friends

Fresh stocks have arrived, and person requiring Panchagavya - Organic Fertilizers and Agnihastra - Organic Pesticides / Insecticides / Fungicides please contact

V Sudhindranath, Advocate Bangalore.
Mobile +91 99450 66699
LTA Trading Private Limited
No. 18/7, "Chitrakoot", Kumaracot Layout,
High Grounds,
Bangalore 560 001.
please visit
