Orange cultivation consultant


Pl inform as to whether you are taking up Nagapur Sangthra or sweet orange , so as to enable us to guide you. P . We will give you project report for availing finance from Banks. please contact us for further guidance.

G.Ananda Rao, B.Sc (Ag)
Agri finance consultant
Vijaya Agro Consultants


Hello sir
i am from Madhya Pradesh please contact me for Agriculture Horticulture crops Cultivation organic or inorganic consultancy services.

Demand and Supply patterns of ORANGE (MANDARIN)

Citrus industry in India is the third largest fruit industry of the country after mango and banana. India ranks ninth among top orange producing countries contributing 3% to the world’s total orange production. Only 1.72% of the country’s production is exported.

With Regards
Lokendra Sharma
M.P. Horticulture
