NRi looking for a Agriculture bussiness venture

agri project available

Om sri
Interested parties contact
Suresh babu
98454 93295 94805 15852

Name of the project Integrated Agriculture project consisting of farm land,
Aqua culture, Live stock, Agro forestry, coconut byproduct s, Dairy vending industry etc.
Extent of land/Infrastructure/location 1. Total 45 acres near Hosadurga in Chitradurga district
2.Distance 200 km from bangalore
3. plot size 3 plot of 8 acres and 2 acres balance, planned for farm land plots ( 2 acres x 20 nos)
4. Entire stretch adjacent to state high way with 1200 ft road side strertch
5. Crops 25 acres yielding coconut trees having 1000 nos 15 yrs old trees avg yield 30 to 40 k per annum minimum
6. Bore well 3 nos
7. Fenced and labour Quarters available
8. Main irrigation under process
9 Interim crop of areca 1500 nos completed banana , coco,papya under process
10 seventeen acres adjacent to road side presently vacant , good for agro forety trees like melia dubia , jatropa eucalyptus, subabul
Since the land will become commercial no permanant crops planned
11. Entire land adjacent to proposed upper bhadra canal
12 Rate expecting 2.00 crores total for 45 acres
If only coconut platations only 25 acres with intercropping available rate expected 80 lakhs
13. clear title deed Bank loan approved

Present returns /yield 40000 coconuts /annum available present rate Rs8 per
nut totaling to Rs 3.2 lakhs minimum per annum
Location of the project 8 K m from Hosadurga, Chitardurga dist. 200 Kms from
Investment required As a project 3 – 5 crores
3 crores upfront, 2 crores over 2 yrs in slabs of 25 lakh per quarter
Return on investment Guaranteed return of 5 crores between 5th and 6th year
Excluding the appreciation of land . If Integration of other projects done returns are proportional. If not additional investments of 25 lakh per quarter not required during 2nd year.
Scope of expansion Company may be promoted and be taken public. Adjacent land to the extent of 50 to 100 acres can be procured and project can be expanded with minimum additional investment
Worst case scenario Land adjacent to high way can be industrially converted and sold. Alternatively Town ship consisting of 500 houses can be developed, after taking returns of min 1 crore from plantation
Status of the project Land development and formation completed, fencing to suit the rquirement be redone. Agro forestry plantation to be done . Intercrop in coconut plantation underway.

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

investment need for AGRI BASED SEED INDUSTRY


We are from Agro gene seeds, producer and marketing of all Field crops and vegetable seeds, established by Experianced techanically person having cumulative experiance of more then 35 years, Now we are in 3rd year, created market demand for our products, now we are searching for reliable investor may be silent /active for further expansion, We have our HO at HYDERABAD.We are planning for exporting our seeds to other country, it is profitable business. if ur intrested, please contact to below mentioned email , will discuss and finalise the terms and condition,
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investor or partner for business venture.with capital.otherassets.sendme details

you are from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . you can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

it is surrounding hyd (bangalore highway)with project deatils we can discuss in phone for further.project report . & seeing of location is is purely agri based project.with another ram4545
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Dear Mr. Hari,

I am looking forward for some investment in Dairy Sector, i shall be glad if we can join hand and set up a dairy unit in Rajasthan..We have a strong network in Rajasthan which shall increase the business within a years time. I would like to share that Rajasthan is one of the largest producer of milk in India and the demand is increasing at a 5%.

I would like to share the plans over a call, please let me know a suitable time to call you...

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Invest 150 crore annual income 30 crore


I am saravanan from chennai we are looking for investor in Cardamom estate 556acres annual income for 30 crore alredy runninig business is good condtion
Kindly give me your mail id or contact no


Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
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Dear Hari,

Before I tell you what I have in mind I want to ask you a Q? What is that you are looking out of this investment? Social responsibility or good ROI?

If you are looking at the second part then please do drop me a mail and can propose some excellent business propositions.

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Hi Dear Hari,
I am Raja Chowdary from Hyderabad, we are planning to start an Integrated Modern dairy with a Milking production capacity of 50000 Liters per day both cow and Buffalo of around 10400 cattles, in 2000 acers of land, our modern dairy includes, farming of sheeps with 500 numbers, and Biogas power generation, with 100000 Red sandalwood Teak plantation surrounding 2000 acers, Vermi compoast, with Milk processing plant, and also planning to tie up with multinational companies like Horlicks, cadbury etc. and soon we are inviting investors or likeminded associates to join hands. if you are interested feel free to further discussion, we have give land security for the investors with good interest rate, if any one interested to join please contact me
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Powrnami Milk Productions

Hello Sir,

Actually i'm searching people like you. I would like make relationship with you as a Investor. I need 25lakshs for my business. My plan is producing more than 500ltrs per day from cows/boffelos and market that one with having a marketing link with Tirumala Milk. If you are intrested, please drop a mail to my email id:

After that we will discus about the Project and everything. I'm from Nellore.
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Cold Storage Business

Dear Sir,

There is a good demand for cold storage's in India and good Return On Investment as well.

We Supply, Install, Commission Cold Storage across India.

For further Information kindly give us a call and we will reply you as soon as possible


Mohsin Charaniya

Land sale

Hello I am interested to sell to u if u really want land contact me or send details
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hari my name is rajesh i am also interesting in dairy farm but i have financial problem if u have interest call me
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Land sale

Hello I am interested to sell to u if u really want land contact me or send details
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i have a project ready contact

Hi hari

I have a similar interest on the verge of starting goat farm and dairy as well looking for agle investors

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
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looking for investor/venture

i am pramod from Bangalore i am looking for investor/venture . Amount needed is 15 lac for goat/ pig farming in Bangalore. the amount, we will pay back in 18 months. please if you can fund us please reply to us.

thanking you
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looking for investor/venture

i am pramod from Bangalore i am looking for investor / venture . Amount needed is 15 lac for goat/ pig farming in Bangalore. the amount, we will pay back in 18 months.

thanking you
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Proposal for Sandalwood & Agar Plantation

Dear sir

I have started a very ambitious plant 1 million trees each of sandalwood & agar in the next 5 years with or without outside help. I have adequate land but need finance & other professional services for maximum benefits.

However, I want to avoid the difficulty of stretching my financial limits that could affect my business & family. Therefore, I would like to take this discussion further...whether for good returns as an investor or as a partner.

I have started a pilot project with 100 kg of sandalwood seeds. The nursery is in progress.

For your info the farm is located in Tamenglong District, Manipur State, North East India.

Looking forward to your kind reply.

Thank you


Wilson Gangmei

Looking Investors for Modern Dairy Farm

Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.

Dear Friends,

I am Raja Chowdary comming from an agriculture family completed my Btech and having business experience for 8 years, now we are planning to enter into MODERN DAIRY FARM, we are looking for an Investor who can Invest about 50 crores, we can provide the land bank as colletrol security for the amount invested and also we can give good rate of interest per month.

we are planning to set up an intergared Dairy in 2000 Acers of Land in state of Andhra Pradesh.

with 2000 No's HF cows and 4000 No's Murra Bufflaw.
with 500 Goat Farming.

we are imparting latest method of Dairy with low man kind and integrated Milk extraction plant.

we are also planning to negiotate with companies likes Horlicks, Cadubary, Relaice, or Heritage Dairy etc. for best Price for Buy Back of Milk.

we are also planning to develop this land in different prospects in long term development.

like we are planning to plant Red Sandalwood Teak Plantation, Biogass Power generation, Vermicompost etc.

Thanks & Regards
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Hello Community members,

I am Hari from hyderabad looking for a Agricultuer(Dairy,Farm,Poultery,etc) bussiness venture's to invest . I can be a investor or a partner in you bussiness venture.

Please feel free to drop me line with your project deatils

Thank you.
Hi Hari,

I am Naveen, We have 40 acre Agriculture land locatedand it is located very near to the highway road which connects

Land is located in Karnataka boarder, with 200 mango trees, we have good water source. 100 KM drive from Bangalore city. We have Power Supply from the both the states (AP & KA) as well.

Let me know if you’re interested about this.

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