Question New plantation and it's returns



New Member

I'm planning to buy 5acre near Tumkuru, Bangalore region.

Interested in plantation of teak, sandalwood, silver Oak, tulsi and plants like Melia dubey.

If anyone can share how things work up, it's maintenance and returns on the same.

If any project report available will be appreciated.

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Well-Known Member
Dear Sri Himamshu2, please take up forestry/agro forestry trees depending up on your waiting period for expected income.

Type of plantation No of years Remarks
-------------------- ------------- --------------------
1.Teak 25 - 30 (wild condition 40 Years ) Fetch good income
2.Sandal wood 20 -25 yrs ( wild 40 years) It is a parasite depends on 100 types of plants under wild conditions
(You can take Guava, Citrus, Mango, Custard apple , Apple ber etc
in between grow sandal wood as inter crop for continuous income
3. Malaia Dubia 6 - 10 Years If more than 5 years the yield will increase over time to get income
4.Silver Oak 6 - 10 Years For economic yield
5.Tulasi Annual /perennial crop In the forestry can be taken up as intercrop

Please contact us for further details and technical aspect and project reports for availing Bank loan


Well-Known Member
PLease take up sandal wood with any fruit plant which will survive on 100 types of plants under wild conditons
