New high tech agriculture project



New Member
I am owner of approx.10 acre agricultural land situated in fatehpur district of uttar pradesh. The area is under irrigated and power shortage is also visible. Presently growing traditional crops like wheat, paddy & sugarcane but getting no fruitful returns.

I am in position of considerable investment and want to start some high tech agri cultivation project.

Please post expert advice to my email id
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New Member
I am owner of approx.10 acre agricultural land situated in fatehpur district of uttar pradesh. The area is under irrigated and power shortage is also visible. Presently growing traditional crops like wheat, paddy & sugarcane but getting no fruitful returns.

I am in position of considerable investment and want to start some high tech agri cultivation project.

Please post expert advice to my email id
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Profitable commercial agriculture project

Dear sir !
The SOME foundation ,proactive farmer friend organisation at Chennai is providing project, training , guidance and consultancy on various agro project . If you want to do profitable farming on same paddy , sugarcane , kindly consult the managing trustee of SOME foundation Mr.Chandramohan , who is part of group of Expert agriculture technocrats and he will train you on SRI -SYSTEM RICE INTENSIFICATION on paddy , an innovative technology yielding high from unit area of land, say 3000 kgs/acre ..and sugarcane training to harvest bumper yield of around 100 MT per acre. Further the SOME FOUNDATION helps you to form a farmers club comprising 20 members in a club.The foundation imparts training for the club members on profitable agri / horticulture project thro' expert team..


