New Farm House



New Member
I want to start a agricultural farm house near Bhubaneswar,Orissa. I have14 Acres of agricultural land containing mango trees,Teekwood trees, and many other trees. How can you help me? I am a commerce graduate and MBA in finance and working in a Public Ltd company as Sr.Commercial Officer. I want to leave the job and to start the above mentioned farm house.

Pl.inform me at an earliest.

With regards.

Pls do not take a hasty decision. While the imagination of staying in the farm in the nature lures one to take it up as the full time job, the practical difficulties of growing the crops, marketing etc are really the other face of this life.
Agriculture requires patience and self experience. All the best practices that can get easily adopted in other industries do not work here.Even the expertise of the agriculture graduates and scientists do not help us much in this field. One need to test out the crops suitable to the soil & climate, test out the market for the crop, establish the market slowly and then take up agriculture as profession. If you do not have other means of income till you establish in the agriculture, then it is difficult.
While you continue to work in the prefession that you are in, try commercial crops in small scale, see through the compelte cycle from growing to marketing for atleast two years and then resign from job to take up agriculture as full time job.
I am doing the same..I have been trying the comemrcial crops in my farm for last three years. Now I have started to grow the selected crops in large scale. in another one year, when I can taste the success of the first large scale production, I am planning to resign from my existing Job..All the best to you

All the best

Don’t want to de-motivate you. It is really good that you want settle in the green world. Honestly, the agricultural field in India requires educated people like you and need of implementing 21st century technology for a big change of agricultural image in India. In my view, this business will be more profitable once you have got more experience.

You must have spent around ten or more years to make your present career and switching to agricultural business without education and experience! Like asking a learner driver to take part in the F1 race and expecting him to win first prize, no way!!

However, I would like to recommend you that; don’t leave the present career straight away but spend some time and try to work in the farms, get some experience gradually and once you are confident then think about settling in this business.

Wish you all the best!! Your are welcome for agricultural field.

Farm House Construction

To construct a farm House it is advisable to go in for local materials as much as possible. Factor in the labour costs to double in your budget - it always ends up much more than anticipated!
Its always a good idea to contruct a fence around your proposed House to corden off your home and include a secure surrounding (Dogs) from the rest of your large property
Septic tank for drainage has to planned a little away from the House foundation - as roots from nearby trees have a tendency to reach out to this nutritious source of water over the years

All the best

To construct a farm House it is advisable to go in for local materials as much as possible. Factor in the labour costs to double in your budget - it always ends up much more than anticipated!
Its always a good idea to contruct a fence around your proposed House to corden off your home and include a secure surrounding (Dogs) from the rest of your large property
Septic tank for drainage has to planned a little away from the House foundation - as roots from nearby trees have a tendency to reach out to this nutritious source of water over the years

All the best

I am a retired person with sound practical knowledge on agricultural, now residing at Bhubaneswar. Undergone a lot of short term courses from different Institutes on cultivation of medicinal & aromatic plants and its processing, mushroom, Vermiculture, plantation, floriculture etc. Interested for joint venture/association. Please contact or 8458054150
