New cow


giri 123

New Member
I would like to start a Dairy Farming project at Mysore,Karnataka. I have 7 Acres of Land with good roads. Water and electricity is available. Can someone let me know if I can start a project with 20 to 30 cattle,with a decent budget. Appreciate your help.

Kind Reagrds

giri 123

New Member
I would like to start a Dairy Farming project in Mysore,Karnataka. which site will give more information wrt above project.

Kind Reagrds


a fertilzer major in the country, are now manufacturing & distributing in Southern India, "scientific compounded high quality cattle feed" with 16% 18% 20% protein and other essential nutrients based on expert veterinary science. For further details pls reach me with your location,contact details etc.,-

Regards, SK Lakshmanan
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New Member
Want to start a dariy Farm

I would like to start a Dairy Farming project at Sangamner.Can someone let me know decent budget for 10 Jersey.H.F cows. Appreciate your help
