Neemtor Gr. INDOCERT Product form Jaiveek Agro



Neemtor is a Mixture of Neem cake, Castor cake, Medicinal plant Extracts and Beneficial Micro Organism. Neem manure is gaining popularity because it is Environment friendly, non toxic, completely biodegradable, natural product with comprehensive insect-pest control properties effective on more than 300 types of insect-pest based on Neem (Azadirachta Indica).Neem hit is for diverse biological effects such as insecticidal, antifeedant, repellant, nematicidal, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, ovipositor and deterrent.
Benefits of Neem Manure
• Bio Degradable and Eco friendly.
• Nourishes the soil and plants by providing all the macro and micro nutrients.
• Helps to eliminate bacteria responsible for denitrifying the soil.
• Ideal for All crops.
• Increases the yield of crops.
• Helps to reduce the usage of fertilizer, thus reducing the cost of growing plants.
• Antifeedant properties help to reduce the number and growth of insects and pests.
### Packaging:- 1 Kg., 10Kg., 25Kg. ### Dosage:- 25 Kg/Acre.

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