Needed consultation for salty water well



New Member

I have a land with salty water well. I need help to find out the cost for desalination. If the cost of desalination is very high , then I am thinking of planting trees which sustain saltiness in that land . Please suggest me what type of trees grow with the salty water?.



New Member
There are many plans which survives on the salty water. Even the plants like coconuts and many more which you must saw on beach-side are also survives on salty water. They can also give you big margin. You can try those or you may contact Holahu for another help.


Established Member
Expert Member
Dear friend,

1. first find out level of salinity, type of salinity, quantum of water, rainfall of the area, rainfall distribution, soil type and permeability, temperature , seasonal temp. levels, evaporation factors, then crops that are suited for the zone. factors of inundation if any.

At the end consult professional consultants if the area is large as you will do more damage for the soil if you plan on casual comments in blogs. There are methods to manage after collecting the said data. Based on the difficulty levels, cost involved in managing and returned expected you can take decision.
Professional consultants do take responsibility for their advise.

anil patil
agri project consultant


I have a land with salty water well. I need help to find out the cost for desalination. If the cost of desalination is very high , then I am thinking of planting trees which sustain saltiness in that land . Please suggest me what type of trees grow with the salty water?.

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