I have no land, not even any experience in the farming sector but still intend to start poultry and/or organic farming in India. I live in kolkata. By profession I am a Lawyer.
I need a partner who should have 1. Nice land. 2. Experience. 3. A small bit of fund.

Email id : singh_deepak72@yahoo.com

Well! Mr. Deepak Singh Shb., Saw ur Query regarding Organic & Poultry Farming. I am Horticulturist, Organic Farming & Avian Expert. Do give a Call for further talks in this regard. Or reply me at my email id. You can see my Article in Agricultureinformation.com in February-2016 or July-2014 Editon. Or in the Expert Column in the above Month & Year in the Agricultureinformation.com Website.
Thanks & Regard.,
Firoz Hassan. Horticulurist & Avian Expert.
130, Leader Road,
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh.
Mbl. 9559944441 & 9795495543
email: greenfarmorganics@gmail.com

We are a complete turnkey operators in the Poly house farming/Poultry farming/Diary and Livestock farming space. We also help arrange loans and execute the complete project from start to end. We can also help procure land we can partner with you on this project. Please send us your name and contact number. We will be more than happy to help you.

We have 20 acers land at Odisha having a establish goat farm of 500 capacity. Having 4 ponds and a waterfall within. If any one interested to join hand with us a partener please call me on 9825068449

Thanks & Regards


We can offer 5 acres for poultry, ducks , goats , fish farming etc at our property near backwaters of Trivandrum, Kerala.
It can be either on lease rent basis or Profit Share as suitable.
Contact Vinod Mobile 9745001569

we are the manufacturer of organic compost / manure from food waste. Its 100% organic in nature. Very good results on potato, tomato, oninons, pomegranate, papaya, grapes, mango, chikoo, shitafal (crusted apple), ramfal, banana, bor, cane, orange and all the fruits and vegetables. Actually it gives best results on any plant in horticulture and agriculture. Its very good for every plant and tree.
its available in 50 kg bags Result guaranteed.
for unmatched quality and more details may contact pankaj mali on 9011049301.

Hlo sir
I'm vijay from anantapur , andhrapradesh. I'm now cultivating 10 acers of land with 4 inches of water 6km distance to city. My place is having very less industries if people like u join with me we can make wonders here we don't have any labour problems and also can provide employment to some people. Can also have good benefits i'm confident In doing perfect business in agriculture sector... Contact : 9666696592
