Wanted Need sandalwood plants


Dear sir,

We are having the good quality in genuine breed of sandalwood seedlings for ready to plant.The sandalwood seedling will have one year old and one feet to 1.5 feet height with rich dark green colour.

For details ,

A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden,Karaikudi-630001,Tamilnadu.9843080275/priyagar06@yahoo.co.in
Member: Consortium of Industrial Agroforestry,TNAU,Mettupalayam,Tamilnadu.

Common Questions from Customers:

1. Cost of the Plantation

One year old,with the height of one and half feet height n black stem with green leaves.Its very opt for plantation.The cost of the seedling will be ₹ 50/-per plant .Transportation will be extra.(your order will be minimum 10000 seedlings we offer free transportation)

2. Will you be doing the plantation or we have to do? If you do the plantation how much will be the extra cost?

We will provide the good quality in genuine breed of sandal seedlings with consultancy from plantation to harvest.The plantation of sandal will be done by you.

3. The area chosen for sandalwood cultivation?

There is any specific area need.But you have observe some thing while procuring the land .The type of soil will be red.So the red soil very opt for sandal cultivation.The black soil,black cotton soil ,clay soil and paddy fields are not suitable sandal cultivation.Kindly ensure the water facility or provide water source since we have to provide water up to six years.

4. Temperature required all 12 months - for sandalwood plantation?

The sandalwood is forestry plants so it can survive in Indian climate 18 celcious to 39 celcious.

5. First Sandalwood plantation next to it what other tree can be planted?

The sandal wood plant does not in take nitrozen directly .It depends on other nitrozen fixing plants likes casuarina,Amla,tamarind,Melia Dubai and suitably available in your province.

6. How many trees can be planted on 1 acre land - Sandalwood?

We can accommodate nearly 500 seedlings in one acre land in the standard spacing dimension of 10'x10'.

7. Growth every year of sandalwood?

Normally the sandalwood is very slow growth.But the sandalwood will attain minimum one to one and half feet growth every year approximately.And the sandal wood trees comes small dimension tree.So the maximum height will be ten feet onwards.

sandal wood will attain the full growth on completion 15 years with minimum height of fifteen feet.

8. 2nd Plant growth every year.

The second plant growth will faster than sandal wood so that we can observe second plant and if the growth will be more than sandal wood we can simply prune the branches time to time and maintain the height of the second plant little bit lower than the sandal wood.

9. How many kilos of Sandalwood we get after 12 years?

The yield pattern of sandalwood will be minimum 15 to 20 kilos heart wood on completion 15 years not 12 years.The harvesting the sandal wood on completion 15 years not completion. If we grow further more five years the yield will be minimum 20 to 40 kilos subject to the climate ,soil condition ,water source and well care.

10. How many types of Sandalwood and which one is better?

The sandalwood is only one variety.But so many breeds will be there likes Root-I to 22.

Among 22 breeds the best one is ROOT-I .The breeds are grading by the area likes In Tamilnadu the Root -1 is available in Yercaud hills.In Satiyamangalam will be Root-2.

11. Any Government subsidy available?

In South India the "Mysore Sales international Limited,(Karnataka govt.undertaking) Bangalore is granting some subsidy to sandal wood tree growing for tie up n buy back farmers.If you want more details please approach concerned area forest authorities.

12. Any permission from Govt. required for plantation?

Yes .the permission for tree growing is compulsory one.This is not a permission but make necessary entries in the village revenue authority along with land taxation.The extract of the village revenue authority taxation of land ,details of sandalwood cultivation entries may be intimated to the concerned District Forest officer accompanying a covering intimation letter attaching the xerox copies of the land document.

13. Can we sell the Sandalwood plant in open market or have we to give to the Government?

The sandalwood is a national property.Previously it was banned for cultivation in private pasta lands.Due adequate shortage of sandal wood production in forests the Govt.of India has passed an ordinance in the parliament to cultivate in private pata lands.We are have the rights only for growing and doing the tight safety measures. We are not having any right to cut a single breach of the sandal wood tree .If you sell the sandal wood locally both seller n buyer will be imprisoned .The state govt./ central govt will look after the harvesting ,grading and marketing .The forest authority will harvest the sandalwood trees in front of the concerned farmers with correct weighment with suitable vouchers and weighment receipts.After disposal your sandal logs the forest authority will issue bank cheques for your sandal logs after deducting the royalty of 20% from entire amount

14. Per Kilo price of sandalwood - today.?

Today sandal heartwood rate will be ? 5000 to 6000 per kilo or you will get relevant information through forest dept. or by Internet search.

15. After 12 years expected price of sandalwood?

The yield will starts on completion of 15 years.Some times the sandal tree attain on completion of 13 years not uniformly.This will not serve your purpose.

We have completed nearly 100 acres in Andhra Pradesh ,Tuni ,Near Vizag with zero mortality.And we also have one year old sandal plants in the poly bag size 5"x8" for mass plantation with the height of one and half feet height with dark green leaves ,two years old sandal plant in the poly bag size 12"x18" with height three feels for boundary plantations.

Some farmers are expect less price of sandalwood seedlings but those type of seedlings are not survive at the level best.So I kindly request all farmers n farming community please very keen to purchase good seeds and seedlings.


A Sivakumar,

The Agarwood is a vital role in perfumery industry.This Agarwood will grows in rainforestry with high humidity area.Agarthala is the capital of Tripura state.That area was polluted by Agarwood trees in olden days.Thats why Agarthala province has been established.Now there also the Agarwood trees are not available much.In assam certain pockets were seen the Agarwood trees .Normally the Agarwood trees are available in Vietnam,Compodia,Thailand ,Taiwan,Laos .The Agarwood trees are will grows in any were in India but the fungus infection and inaculation will not happened in south India since its climate .So many agencies,companies were made much trails for growing the Agarwood in south India.But no body have not fulfilled and failed in Agarwood cultivation.


A Sivakumar,
Member,Consortium of industrial agroforestry ,(ForestCollege & Research Institute,TNAU/Mettupalayam)

Common Questions from Customers:

1. Cost of the Plantation

One year old,with the height of one and half feet height n black stem with green leaves.Its very opt for plantation.The cost of the seedling will be ₹ 50/-per plant .Transportation will be extra.(your order will be minimum 10000 seedlings we offer free transportation)

2. Will you be doing the plantation or we have to do? If you do the plantation how much will be the extra cost?

We will provide the good quality in genuine breed of sandal seedlings with consultancy from plantation to harvest.The plantation of sandal will be done by you.

3. The area chosen for sandalwood cultivation?

There is any specific area need.But you have observe some thing while procuring the land .The type of soil will be red.So the red soil very opt for sandal cultivation.The black soil,black cotton soil ,clay soil and paddy fields are not suitable sandal cultivation.Kindly ensure the water facility or provide water source since we have to provide water up to six years.

4. Temperature required all 12 months - for sandalwood plantation?

The sandalwood is forestry plants so it can survive in Indian climate 18 celcious to 39 celcious.

5. First Sandalwood plantation next to it what other tree can be planted?

The sandal wood plant does not in take nitrozen directly .It depends on other nitrozen fixing plants likes casuarina,Amla,tamarind,Melia Dubai and suitably available in your province.

6. How many trees can be planted on 1 acre land - Sandalwood?

We can accommodate nearly 500 seedlings in one acre land in the standard spacing dimension of 10'x10'.

7. Growth every year of sandalwood?

Normally the sandalwood is very slow growth.But the sandalwood will attain minimum one to one and half feet growth every year approximately.And the sandal wood trees comes small dimension tree.So the maximum height will be ten feet onwards.

sandal wood will attain the full growth on completion 15 years with minimum height of fifteen feet.

8. 2nd Plant growth every year.

The second plant growth will faster than sandal wood so that we can observe second plant and if the growth will be more than sandal wood we can simply prune the branches time to time and maintain the height of the second plant little bit lower than the sandal wood.

9. How many kilos of Sandalwood we get after 12 years?

The yield pattern of sandalwood will be minimum 15 to 20 kilos heart wood on completion 15 years not 12 years.The harvesting the sandal wood on completion 15 years not completion. If we grow further more five years the yield will be minimum 20 to 40 kilos subject to the climate ,soil condition ,water source and well care.

10. How many types of Sandalwood and which one is better?

The sandalwood is only one variety.But so many breeds will be there likes Root-I to 22.

Among 22 breeds the best one is ROOT-I .The breeds are grading by the area likes In Tamilnadu the Root -1 is available in Yercaud hills.In Satiyamangalam will be Root-2.

11. Any Government subsidy available?

In South India the "Mysore Sales international Limited,(Karnataka govt.undertaking) Bangalore is granting some subsidy to sandal wood tree growing for tie up n buy back farmers.If you want more details please approach concerned area forest authorities.

12. Any permission from Govt. required for plantation?

Yes .the permission for tree growing is compulsory one.This is not a permission but make necessary entries in the village revenue authority along with land taxation.The extract of the village revenue authority taxation of land ,details of sandalwood cultivation entries may be intimated to the concerned District Forest officer accompanying a covering intimation letter attaching the xerox copies of the land document.

13. Can we sell the Sandalwood plant in open market or have we to give to the Government?

The sandalwood is a national property.Previously it was banned for cultivation in private pasta lands.Due adequate shortage of sandal wood production in forests the Govt.of India has passed an ordinance in the parliament to cultivate in private pata lands.We are have the rights only for growing and doing the tight safety measures. We are not having any right to cut a single breach of the sandal wood tree .If you sell the sandal wood locally both seller n buyer will be imprisoned .The state govt./ central govt will look after the harvesting ,grading and marketing .The forest authority will harvest the sandalwood trees in front of the concerned farmers with correct weighment with suitable vouchers and weighment receipts.After disposal your sandal logs the forest authority will issue bank cheques for your sandal logs after deducting the royalty of 20% from entire amount

14. Per Kilo price of sandalwood - today.?

Today sandal heartwood rate will be ? 5000 to 6000 per kilo or you will get relevant information through forest dept. or by Internet search.

15. After 12 years expected price of sandalwood?

The yield will starts on completion of 15 years.Some times the sandal tree attain on completion of 13 years not uniformly.This will not serve your purpose.

We have completed nearly 100 acres in Andhra Pradesh ,Tuni ,Near Vizag with zero mortality.And we also have one year old sandal plants in the poly bag size 5"x8" for mass plantation with the height of one and half feet height with dark green leaves ,two years old sandal plant in the poly bag size 12"x18" with height three feels for boundary plantations.

Some farmers are expect less price of sandalwood seedlings but those type of seedlings are not survive at the level best.So I kindly request all farmers n farming community please very keen to purchase good seeds and seedlings.


A Sivakumar,

Sir , I am from andhra , west godavari, and looking for guidance for growing white sandal trees. Are there any materials guiding how to raise,host selection, pruning techniques in white sandal plantations.....if you have ,please share here ,as i am looking vigorously for them... thank you
