need pure hf cows in kerala any one knows contact info of gopal naidu from bangalore


Dear Sir,
Greetings ! We feel pleasure in introducing ourselves as the most reliable and trusted cattle breeding farm of India. Model Dairy Farm has a rich heritage of more than 30 years in breeding and supplying cows of high productivity and pedigree. In fact, ‘dairy cows’ and Model Dairy are considered synonymous by dairy farmers in India. We have assisted numerous dairy farmers, cattle traders & suppliers, NGOs and cattle breeders with advice, selection and shipment of their Dairy Cows requirement.
We are one of the biggest suppliers of HF, Jersey and crossbreed cows. We have available with us Holstein and Holstein Friesian cross Cows with milk yield capacity of 4500 to 8000 liters in a lactation ( 20 to 40 liters milk per day).

All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders. Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.
Complete arrangements of transportation of cattle to states of haryana,Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, MP, Rajasthan, Bihar, Orrisa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Maharashtra and North East States are available. Also the other important features of our livestock and services are:-
1. All animals are vaccinated against FMD and HS.
2. All animals are healthy and genetically superior.
3. Free arrangement of skilled workers to look after the selected cattle of buyer till they are dispatched.
4. Free arrangement of dairy cattle shed for safety and comfort of selected cattle till they are dispatched.
5. Free arrangement of Veterinary supervision by a senior and qualified veterinarian for all the selected cattle till they are dispatched.
6. Pre-vaccination against FMD and HS can be done on request.
7. Arrangement of Transport of cattle at most economical cost.
8. Help in filing application for Export permit issued by the Government on behalf of customer.
9. Arrangement of customized Tagging of all the selected cattle.
10. Arrangement of skilled workers to accompany the cattle during transit.
11. Free guidance regarding nutrition, breeding, fodder management, cattle housing and animal health management.
12. 365 day call – center / helpline for advice/ guidance.
All the Holstein cows are Functional Type- “good feet and good udders”. For more information feel free to call at 09936286478 or 09936296361 & visit us on Model Dairy Farm

Thanks and regards,
Prateek Vaish
Vice President Operations
Model Dairy Farm, Naramau, G.T.Road, Kanpur-209217
Phones : 09936286478
