Need Papaya Tissue Culture Plants



New Member
I need Papaya tissue culture plants for my farm in Sriganganagar -Rajasthan
Farm Size- 4 Acres.

Also please tell if the Papaya cultivation is feasible there.

Contact -
Harmanpreet Singh
Please contact..
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Established Member
Papaya-Sampada Farms

It is better and advisable to propagate papaya by seeds. U will get good results through seeds. So far, across the globe it is in practice of risising papaya by seeds. More over no body have done work on papaya through tissue culture, to our knowledge. So, please follow the world. It is proven way.


Sampada Farms & Consultants


Tissue Culture Papaya

To put in perspective - it is not that no one has worked on papaya tissue culture; there are still some impediments with healthy rooting which requires more specific culturing conditions. We demonstrated healthy plant development in early nineties itself. However, it is a fact that it is not yet commercially competitive with seed derived plants hence many labs have not opted for its production. In the circumstances, one would tend to advise the use of seed derived plants only to raise plantations.

- Phytica
