Dear Mr. Sachin, Greetings. Regarding your border plantation it is good to plant Beema bamboo. Because Beema bamboo is a fast growing, thornless and hence easy for harvesting , sterile and does not die. It does not need to be replanted for more several decades.
It has the potential to yield very high biomass due to the fact that the wall thickness of “Beema” Bamboo is 3 times more than other bamboos. Due to planting of genetically superior clones and following the precision farming practices, the biomass available from 3 acres of regular plantation can be obtained from 1 acre of energy plantation of Beema bamboo.
The yield from bamboo plantation during first year is 30 tons/acre, second year 35 tons/acre, third year on wards 40 tons/acre.
The harvested poles of bamboo can be used in several industies for many purposes such as for Constuction , Vegatable scaffolding, Bamboo board, Power generation, Activated charcoal, Insence sticks (Agarbatti) etc.
If you need detailed information please write to,
41 B, Sipcot Phase II,