Question Need information to establish dairy farm

I AM from Bangalore wish to establish a dairy farm at my own place. My parents and their forefathers are all from agricultural background family and have vast idea in raring cows and dairy farms. We have an agriculture land TOO, ) where we can initially start with 100 animals (cows). I also trained regarding in set up a commercial diary farm from National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Bangalore & Karnataka State Animal Husbandary, Hesaraghatta, Bangalore. I am very keen and enthusiastic to establish a dairy farm at our land which is my childhood ambition.
Please guide me how to approach the bank to avail the agriculture loan. What are the requirements, eligibility and other information to avail loan. Here i need an information that your esteemed organization will help me to provide an agriculture loan or other loans to set-up small/medium scale industry to establish a dairy farm.
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bank loan

Dear Prasad,
Two things are important
1. Whether the infrastructures you are speaking is sufficient for your project
2. You have to conceptualize the project design and prepare a project report for submitting to bank.
You will get loan if what you state in report makes business sense.

If your project size is large say 25 cows and above we can help you.

I AM from Bangalore wish to establish a dairy farm at my own place. My parents and their forefathers are all from agricultural background family and have vast idea in raring cows and dairy farms. We have an agriculture land TOO, ) where we can initially start with 100 animals (cows). I also trained regarding in set up a commercial diary farm from National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Bangalore & Karnataka State Animal Husbandary, Hesaraghatta, Bangalore. I am very keen and enthusiastic to establish a dairy farm at our land which is my childhood ambition.
Please guide me how to approach the bank to avail the agriculture loan. What are the requirements, eligibility and other information to avail loan. Here i need an information that your esteemed organization will help me to provide an agriculture loan or other loans to set-up small/medium scale industry to establish a dairy farm.


I AM from Bangalore wish to establish a dairy farm at my own place. My parents and their forefathers are all from agricultural background family and have vast idea in raring cows and dairy farms. We have an agriculture land TOO, ) where we can initially start with 100 animals (cows). I also trained regarding in set up a commercial diary farm from National Dairy Research Institute (NDRI), Bangalore & Karnataka State Animal Husbandary, Hesaraghatta, Bangalore. I am very keen and enthusiastic to establish a dairy farm at our land which is my childhood ambition.
Please guide me how to approach the bank to avail the agriculture loan. What are the requirements, eligibility and other information to avail loan. Here i need an information that your esteemed organization will help me to provide an agriculture loan or other loans to set-up small/medium scale industry to establish a dairy farm.

Sir its nice to know you have taken training from your the dept,
i wish to know more about the place and their contact number as i too am planing to start dairy farm but i want to learn more and visit the dairy farms and take there valuable experiences share there views

please call me or give me your contact no sir
raviseveenzerotwosix atgamildotcom


Hi Prasad . May have your contact number . I hope you have started the Dairy farming long back running good .

Hi I am Nagamani, I want to start dairy farming with no. Of cows 10, please guide me about this because I don't know anything about the dairy farming, we have agriculture land

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Can help you with establishing a best dairy farming in your own place or a rented place. First space allocation is must for the cattle maintenance, allowing the cows to breathe and live peacefully without any suffocation. Secondary is water and feed availability, feeding them proper intervals. It is much better to start up with small quantity of cows at first and then expanding them after understanding them. Cleaning up the waste and storing at right place will also help you better. And especially, checking up their health will make a wealthier farm!
