Question Need information on hydroponic technology


Dear Srikanth,

Hydroponics are little expensive setup for initial phase but production is much much higher than conventional agriculture. there are some agricultural companies offering Hydroponics set up. usually it is having three types and NFT is the major type which is using .

if you want to start this better have a practical experience with running farms in india or if you want to go for only feed for your dairy farm, you can start with less expenditure and you can get the videos in Youtube.

Future farms is the one major company who is offering the Hydroponics and MR. Nayak is guy who is working on GOA and there are many more .


New Member
Hydroponics farming is the cultivation method where no soil is needed and the plants are grown in water containing minerals and nutrients which are mixed manually by the farmers. As all the energy needed for the plants are given directly, they give high yield and profit in less period of time. Nutrient film technology which is also known as Nft hydroponics system is the method where the water once used for irrigation is recirculated to the roots of the plants and this water can be removed and replaced after the particular time interval. In this method, the number of plants can be planted in the same place and the water will be supplied equally to all plants. It saves more space and water.
