Need information about dairy farming



New Member
Dear Sirs,

I needed information about good quality cows & buffalo's which will suit to the climate of my native pace. i am from Konkan region. Can any one please provide me the information for the same?

Thanks & regards,
Sameer Kolte

Hello Sir
Mahesh Ambre
Telephone : 91-02356-272095
Lote Mide ,
Dist- Ratnagiri,
Khed Ratnagiri,
Maharashtra - 415722

Research Station
Cattle Breeding Farm Nileli
A/P Nileli Tal Kudal Dist. Sindhudurg – 416519.
02362 - 238006

Dear Mr. Sameer Kolte ,

Thanks for your interest shown on dairy farm sector which is very profitable on sustainable way..We informing you that the efforts on this sector is depends upon your force and existing resources , whatever you have..We are the consultants and service providers and will support you upto one year with proper techno-professional knowledges and trainings..The Govt. sector never supports on this way and their formulas are very old and based on only theoretical updates specially..You have to establish yourself on profiatable and commercial basis in konkan area , specific management , quality animals , funding management , labour control , marketing links , health and feeding management , best reproductive practices and calving + calf management are the tools of Efficient dairy farming.. You can send me your complete details through Pvt. Message with communication address and phone also..
We are based in Gujarat & Rajasthan with M.P. Office and providing A - Z turnkey Dairy Project Consultancy services with Exotic HF , Jersey , Elite Buffaloes , Pure Indian Sahiwal , Tharparkar , Rathi from SriGanganagar / Hanumangarh / Suratgarh / Abohar / Jeend / Kaithal / Firozpur area of Rajasthan + Haryana + Punjab and Gir from Saurashtra area .. we have the complete infrastructure from selection , purchase , Transportation and breeding set up also..sarkar41419 at gmail dot com..You can contact me directly for your dairy farm project needs on MoU and Agreement basis..Our head office is in the border area of Rajasthan & Gujarat state at M.P. state..Plz send me your complete communication details through Pvt. Message (P.M.).. We have the best breed of Cows and Buffalo's.
We can establish your Farm Dairy Project at your own Agro – Commercial land area and with Complete infrastructure for Farm sector based on Productive herd , shed design and construction , bio gas and waste recycling management , milking parlor , Milking machines , vaccines , dairy lab equipments , medicines , productive and reproductive technologies , Vety. Clinic set up , cooling equipments , dairy farm sanitizers , nutrition for productive animals , routine shed + milking + feeding + breeding + milk process section management , Cattle Feed Unit , Manpower management with HY Dairy Cows & Buffaloes , etc…

Originally Posted by saravanan123

I am from TamilNadu and I am looking for pure desi Indian cows for my diary farm.


I am particularly looking for Heifers of 1 to 1.5 years age and should be pure desi cow.

Please let me know if you have any information on the same.


Dear Sir,

I am from tamil nadu, planning to start calf rearing . Looking for pure desi indian breed calf. my choice

Please let me know where i can get these breed and if possible the price range.



You can contact me at 09820593918 for further information.

I am based in Mumbai, and can help you with the same.


Heramb Gupte
