for starting dairy farm you should start from the scratch for higher rate of success. You should get fist hand experience and go ahead step by step. The business is with Live stock not with dead stock. You may imagine the difference and prepare your self. After your experience, you would be a project owner of 1000+ nos of dairy cows/buffaloes.
Wish You happy dream,
Ratilal Sudani
As we have started our business written as below before 20 years without any project report, only by studying, practicing and trial and error but now we are closed to perfection you may see our detail as below:
Subject:- Geophysical Survey for Ground water Investigation
& subsurface studies.
Dear Sir,
After a long work in NGOs and paid services to the clients in the field of Hydro geology, Geology and Exploration geology, we are taking an opportunity to introduce ourselves as an Exploration and Geological studying organization. Bhoojalshree Hydro Geo tech is an established center for scientific services are mainly related to Ground water and subsurface investigation. These services are useful for well sitting (domestic/industrial) watershed development, water management, rain water harvesting, to study Geology & subsurface setup for different purposes & geotechnical problems.
Since 1990, we are being provided services to various NGOs, government departments, private as well as public companies & thousands of individual farmers in the state of Gujarat, Maharashatra and their adjoining states. So, we have an experience of different geological setup.
We have instruments set of electrical resistivity for geo physical method. It includes computerized instrument & soft wears. Besides that, founder of bhoojalshree group is well qualified; he did doctoral work in the field of hydrogeology & watershed development. Also, he completed advance studies in Germany in the subject matter. It is notable that the founder himself and his colleague from Gujarat are well experienced and provide services themselves in the field with full devotion for quality work & results.
We are also empanelled in German funded “Appal Pani” & World Bank supported “Jalswarajya” project for drinking water in Maharashtra state.
Our aim is to cater the need of best scientific services at reasonable cost.
You may please refer a list of our esteem clients attached here with.
Last but not least, bhoojalshree awarded by social & prestigious awards “Raiv Gandhi & Sevaratna”.
We hope that; will get an opportunity to provide our services to you.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Mr. R.B.Sudani / Dr.Suresh Pawar
Our Contact Addresses:-
Regional Office :-
Mr. Ratilal Sudani [BRS (AG & AH); PGDEE]
Director, Bhoojalshree Geotech Consultant(Gujarat)
H. O.:-
Dr. Suresh Pawar [Ph.D. (Hydro Geology)]
Higher Study in Germany ; Member- IAHS, IAH, IHRS
Director, Bhoojalshree Hydro Geotech