Madam, There is a one agricultural officer, earmarked for organic farming in each district by the state agricultural department. please approach the department for guidance. Please also seek guidance from experienced farmers who are having expertise in cultivation aspects.
If you are intending to start cultivation this season please take up ploughing the field, apply 10 Tons of Farm Yard Manure, raise green manure crops etc .
Plant neem trees and custard apple on the border of the field.
Start dairy farm with 2 cows preferably Gir cows. construct a worker quarter and cattle shed for keeping the animals and keep one farm labour family on the farm initially.
Depending up on the climate and seasonal conditions take up crops suchs cereals and pulses with mixed cropping , rotate cereals with pulses.
Regarding nutrient requirements and management of crops please adopt organic methods such as application of panchakavya, application of bio-fertilizers (before planting), mechanical methods of controlling pests etc
We will be guiding you further in future.
G.Anandara Rao B.Sc(Ag)