Question Need guidance for mushroom farming



New Member
Hi, I interested in mushroom farming. I wanted to know what type of mushrooms are in demand in the market. Where we can sell it out and what kind of investment one has to do?

Hi, I interested in mushroom farming. I wanted to know what type of mushrooms are in demand in the market. Where we can sell it out and what kind of investment one has to do?

We are one of Country's Top consultancy & Advisory (EcolAgro Venture Pvt Ltd) dealing in all food processing and agribiz,expertise in making Project Report. Provide assistance in starting and building-up of small range of businesses to big one.Also we are pioneer in Cultivation and Research in all type of edible & medicinal mushroom.Our researches are popular now a days and many people availing benefits from these researches.We contracting composting period of 45 days to 10 days.Our consulting services focus on efficiency,quality and productivity through innovative solutions and latest technology.

Our Consultancy Services include all below aspects also:

Guidance in Business Prospects / Investment Opportunities
Project Plan and Report

Fodder Management
Feed and Nutrition Management
Mushroom Cultivation
Microbial Culture
Waste Management
Cold Storage/CA chamber

EcolAgro Venture Pvt.Ltd
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Mail Id:
Cell: 07544012577, 9260995976
Landline: 0522-2347200

Mushroom farming is indeed a profitable business where it is all about maintaining the temperature and humidity. There are three types of mushroom grown largely in India namely button, oyster and milky. Out of all, button mushroom is most in demand. It really sells very well. Oyster mushroom is highly rich in protein content and can be grown without any use of chemicals but people are still unaware about its medicinal properties so the demand is less. However if the grower can take the initiative to increase the awareness about health benefits of eating oyster mushrooms surely the demand will increase and so the profits for the grower. Demand of milky mushroom is moderate. Along with the present market status, future of mushroom is also promising. It is the industry that is expected to say a boom soon.

It is suggested that before growing mushroom commercially one needs to take proper training and invest small amount. As the market gets assured then subsequently the expansion can be made. To secure the market, grower can do a tie up with local vegetable vendor and grocery stores selling exotic vegetables. As they regularly get the buyers asking for mushrooms. So if the quality is maintained the demand will increase for sure.

Investment includes shed/closed room, mushroom growing bed and spawns. The place can be as small as 200 sq feet and it would require investment of less than Rs. 10,000. The production room must be closed and should necessarily have a digital meter to check on humidity and temperature. Humidity required in all mushroom varieties production is 80% whereas the temperature varies. In button mushroom temperature should be 14-24 degree Celsius, oyster – 18-30 degree Celsius and milky mushroom – 25- 35 degree Celsius. If these two factors are monitored well then production will surely be good.

The mushroom bed could be of wheat or rice husk, whichever is available locally. In the beginning it is best to buy the spawns from the tissue culture lab. It is usually priced between Rs. 85-120/kg. Mushroom harvest can be obtained four times in 10 days. This is referred as ‘flush’. After the harvesting the mushroom bed can be processed into manure. It is a simple process and cost effective method.

I'm already started oyster mushrooms cultivation first time .but I'm not attend any training classes .but I'm got a little bit information from google and YouTube .
But I need more information .any please send me the details !!!

Mushroom farming is indeed a profitable business where it is all about maintaining the temperature and humidity. There are three types of mushroom grown largely in India namely button, oyster and milky. Out of all, button mushroom is most in demand. It really sells very well. Oyster mushroom is highly rich in protein content and can be grown without any use of chemicals but people are still unaware about its medicinal properties so the demand is less. However if the grower can take the initiative to increase the awareness about health benefits of eating oyster mushrooms surely the demand will increase and so the profits for the grower. Demand of milky mushroom is moderate. Along with the present market status, future of mushroom is also promising. It is the industry that is expected to say a boom soon.

It is suggested that before growing mushroom commercially one needs to take proper training and invest small amount. As the market gets assured then subsequently the expansion can be made. To secure the market, grower can do a tie up with local vegetable vendor and grocery stores selling exotic vegetables. As they regularly get the buyers asking for mushrooms. So if the quality is maintained the demand will increase for sure.

Investment includes shed/closed room, mushroom growing bed and spawns. The place can be as small as 200 sq feet and it would require investment of less than Rs. 10,000. The production room must be closed and should necessarily have a digital meter to check on humidity and temperature. Humidity required in all mushroom varieties production is 80% whereas the temperature varies. In button mushroom temperature should be 14-24 degree Celsius, oyster – 18-30 degree Celsius and milky mushroom – 25- 35 degree Celsius. If these two factors are monitored well then production will surely be good.

The mushroom bed could be of wheat or rice husk, whichever is available locally. In the beginning it is best to buy the spawns from the tissue culture lab. It is usually priced between Rs. 85-120/kg. Mushroom harvest can be obtained four times in 10 days. This is referred as ‘flush’. After the harvesting the mushroom bed can be processed into manure. It is a simple process and cost effective method.

hi...i want to start mushroom farming in ANAVAL,BARDOLI,SURAT.
have my own land with limited sources.
so, kindly give your contact as you suggest in article that you done mushroom farming from last one year in NAVSARI.
so, it will be easily accessible to me to reach you to get more information and indepth knowledge regrading farming.
rightnow, i am in kenya but want to start farming to support my in laws.

Pinal Bharucha
+254 723382510(whats up)

I want to start mashroom cultivation ,i have completed my bsc biotechnology so i am introduce with mashroom but i have no idea how to start and about raw meterials as well as basic cost because there is no more farms of mashroom in gujarat ,please guide me about process and selling and spawning

Hi, I would like to start mushroom farming in my own land at Tamil Nadu.

Planning to avail bank loan, but wanted to know is there any subsidiary provided by our government (State or Central) or NABARD also any other scheme that will benefit of us to start up mushroom farm, if it so please give us details what are those and how to avail them.


I am interested in mushrooms farming.
I want to know all the procedure and investment.
Contact me on whatsapp on +919558411141

i am interested in mushroom farming in bangalore. can it be done within the house, like balcony space etc. what is the minimum space required.
contact me on whatsapp on 9448271380

No worthwhile information on any of the topics that people want to search.
it is rather the platform for selling either your service or the product.
Instead Govt. website of NABRD has got more information than this. If this is started in year 2000, it was supposed to have tones of information on various agro crops and the projects.

Milky mushrooms can be cultivated on paddy straw without any difficulty. Cultivation of button mushrooms requires huge investment (Rs.1.00 -5.00crores) . Marketing has to be done on our own through local markets, super bazars, retail shops etc.

Please contact us for project report if you are going to avail any bank loan in future.

G.Ananda rao B.Sc(Ag), Ex Agril Officer & Agricultural Banker,
Vijaya Agro Consultants
Yanamalakuduru,Vijayawada -520013, AP
Mobile: 9703128495 /8074257374

Mushroom cultivation is one of the most profitable business that can be started with minimum investment and space. It can be safely said that mushroom cultivation is a bright field with good prospects for an upcoming farmer.
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Hi, I have started oyster mushroom cultivation in Mumbai, but am having difficulty in selling them. Please suggest how can I sell them.
Contact me on 8806355494

With conventional systems, the mycelium looks better and the mushrooms dry more easily, with fewer problems caused by discolouration. With the static system, slightly more water has to be sprayed. For more information about irrigation visit-
