Wanted Need farmers to do medicinal farming which will be contract farming and highly benefit.

i am kalaiselvi from gobichettipalayam. i am intersted in contract farming with respect of medicinal crops. pls let me know the details.
thanking you
Please see our diverse posts about this topic in this site. Please mail us for further details of high value crops and medicinal plants organic cultivation project. Please mail us with your land details and contact details to E: greenlandfns@gmail.com

We are interested
45 Acre Land near Thanjavur
Yeah! sounds great, but may I know about it in detail? which type of MEDI. plants? and drop an email kvaraprasad74@gmail.com

Thank you
Advise to All Members in this Thread:
Never adopt single crop farming which is extremely risky in present climatic and atmospheric conditions in India and around the world, and it is also high financial risk to farmers. Always adopt multi crop farming that is suitable according to atmospheric, soil and water conditions of your land and suitable according to market conditions/marketability. There are hundreds of high value crops (food, herbs, spices etc) you can cultivate organically and simultaneously (a proper mix of short term and long term companion crops) to get higher income from your land that will improve health of your land also. Please see our diverse posts in this site about High Value Crops-Multi Cultivation Organic System and related matters (Member: greenlandfns) For further details of high value crops multi cultivation organic systems, please mail details of your land and contact details to E: greenlandfns@gmail.com
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Is this offer open to promoters who work closely with farmers as well? This set-up is beneficial where language barriers may act as a disadvantage.

From Meghalaya where medicinal plant farmers are also users in our traditional medicine treatments.

Hi...Iam Dommeti Srinivasa Rao.....iam already farming Aloevera in 5 acers and interested to cultivate other crop also in upcoming season under buyback agreement....
Hence...pl contact me at 8919535229....Tq

Hi I am interested In Contract medicinal forming I have 10 acrs land in konkan, please provide details to my number Whatsapp or email me :raju.nerurkar@gmail.com

Is this offer open to promoters who work closely with farmers as well? This set-up is beneficial where language barriers may act as a disadvantage.

From Meghalaya where medicinal plant farmers are also users in our traditional medicine treatments.

Yes. Our offer open to all including organisations and groups, and mail us to get further details with details of available land and your contact details to E: greenlandfns@gmail.com
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