Need expert advice on what to grow 14 acre land in Maharashtra to earn good profit.



New Member
I have 14 acre land in Maharashtra and want to have expert advice on what to grow to gave a profitable business.

Palmaroja, Lemongrass (Research Varieties) Oil Project- Net profit upto Rs.1,00,000/Acre yearly.
Pacific Agro, provides expertise services in the field of Medicinal & Aromatic plants. Pacific Agro is a partnership firm formerly Pacific Herbs Agro Farms Pvt. Ltd, based at Nagpur, Maharashtra, established on 8th October 2003, We are specialized in Aromatic Grass Oil Project (Net profit Rs.80,000/acre/yearly) mainly in the Research varieties from CSIR- IIIM, Jammu, Govt. of India, these project are being implemented in association with CSIR-IIIM, Jammu, Govt. of India. We also have expertise in Coleus Forskohlii, Mucuna Pruriens /Velvet beans- we are doing it on 500 acre in coming season on Contract), Guargum and Bio diesel (Jatropha) Project. We provide turn key projects along with Elite & Authentic planting material, Consultancy and 100% marketing with Best price of the produce. We also under take mass plantation (100 to 500 Acres) of Medicinal & Aromatic plants on contract basis. Our Expert Panel- 1. Dr. A K Shahi, Ex Scientist, CSIR- IIIIM, Jammu (Aroma crop Expert), has developed RRL-CN-5 Variety. 2. Dr. Bhausaheb Choudhari, Agriculture expert (Aroma grasses). 3. Prof. Dr. C J Chandekar, Bio Technology expert (Micro Biology). 4. Dr. Sunita Jonwal, MD (Mumbai) and Dr. Laxman Jonwal, MD (Mumbai), plant based drug formulation expert. 5. Team of Scientist headed by Dr. Suresh Chandra, Chief Scientist, CSIR-IIIM, Jammu. For more details please contact- 09422881280, 07083757145 or 09730107163, Em-, web-
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Dear Agripreneur,

Greetings from Sudharma Krishi Consultants (P) Limited !

Thank you for showing your interest on farming.

We are the IIT- Kharagpur & ICAR incubated company having its office at ICAR, Kolkata, It is the most equipped and professionally managed organisation in India working in the service sector domain as Value Chain Architects, Consultants and service provider in the field of hi-end farming, agro based industry, export and other agri businesses. We have more than 150 nos of world class experts of different disciplines related to Agriculture and Agri Business. So, we are capable of to undertake any project ( medium to large ) in any part of the world. We are also working in abroad.

So, come with us with your idea and we will make it a tangible shape.

If you could provide your phone no. our expert may talk with you to provide you more clear ideas. we have written down our communication details here under.

Looking forward to see you with us !

Best Regards

K. Basudev

SudharmaKrishi Consultants (P) Limited

Indian council of Agricultural Research ( nirjaft)

12, Regent park, Kolkata: 40.


Phone : +91 988 3644 699, 9143787763 (whatsapp only)

Maharashtra Farmers are earning in Crores. Where from you? Can you come up with your profile, like location/ water source, your experience etc?

We have more than 100 acres of land under our control. They are the same locality but in 3 different pieces.
Its all owned by family, friends and partners but we can use it all if we present a viable project.
The 14 acre we originally mentioned is closer to village and self owned and we want to start small and then expand.
We have this land for a few years but have not been able to focus on a project for it but we want to start now, asap.

We can do something ourselves, specially with wood variety plantation but we are looking for an expert partner to make the process smooth and help manage the long term care and growth.

We would not be interested in a one time consultation but rather a partner who can contribute more of a turn key project and work with future returns.

I have 14 acre land in Maharashtra and want to have expert advice on what to grow to gave a profitable business.

We provide complete consultancy (concept to completion-planning to marketing of products) services for High Value Crops-Multi Cultivation Organic System-HVC-MCOS: Integrated Green Farming based on Sustainable Farm Development and Management System-SFDMS (including farming and non-farming activities to generate optimum income from land-cultivation of high value herbs, spices, fruits, vegetables, plantation crops, cereals, pulses, millet etc and add-on farm based activities such as farm/organic/eco tourism, bee keeping, farm products value addition etc.

In your message there is no information about the land-location village, total area, land type-dry, wet, semi wet, water logged, rocky, pebble-ridden, sandy, sandy loamy, soil condition-pH and EC level if tests done, nutrient levels-if test done, water quality (pH, EC, BOD, COD etc if tests done), water availability in summer and rain fall information, cropping history over the last 5-10 years (especially chemical fertilizer and pesticide use), crops in the surrounding lands, your investment capacities and constraints, loan required or not required, local labour availability, labour rates etc.

We can do a preliminary analysis only if we get basic information. Tests if not done can be done later.

Introduction of HVC-MCOS (SFDMS)

Earn highest income from your own/lease land, anywhere in India or around the world through High Value Crops-Multi Cultivation Organic System (HVC-MCOS) and additional farm based income generation activities, with lowest investment. Abundant supply of water is a must. You will get income within 9o days and you can use the cash flow for continuing the activities.

We offer complete consultancy (from innovative cultivation planning to marketing of products) for HVC-MCOS along with add-on activities such as Organic/Sustainable Tourism/Bee Keeping/Renewable energy generation, Value Addition of farm products etc.

We promote only Organic/Biodynamic/ Traditional/ Natural/Vriksha Ayurveda cultivation practices. Cultivation will convert your land into green heaven with high income regularly, short term and long term.

We also provide complete consultancy, advises and support for all other farming projects (animal husbandry-dairy, fishery, poultry etc) and value addition of farm products and farm based MSMEs, complete support for documentation, licenses, DPR for obtaining loans, subsidies, grants etc and market development support (domestic and export).

To get further details, please mail a request with details of land, location details, contact details, and any project idea you want to implement etc

Maharashtra Farmers are earning in Crores. Where from you? Can you come up with your profile, like location/ water source, your experience etc?
Who is earning in crores? Its all on papers. I am a drumstick grower having 500 plants. Rates are 3 to 15 per kg. If i keep a labour to harvest just for single day then also i cant pay him as transportation cost and getting market prices are same. Whatever earned is going in transportation.

Dear Agripreneur,

Greetings from Sudharma Krishi Consultants (P) Limited !

Thank you for showing your interest on farming.

We are the IIT- Kharagpur & ICAR incubated company having its office at ICAR, Kolkata, It is the most equipped and professionally managed organisation in India working in the service sector domain as Value Chain Architects, Consultants and service provider in the field of hi-end farming, agro based industry, export and other agri businesses. We have more than 150 nos of world class experts of different disciplines related to Agriculture and Agri Business. So, we are capable of to undertake any project ( medium to large ) in any part of the world. We are also working in abroad.

So, come with us with your idea and we will make it a tangible shape.

If you could provide your phone no. our expert may talk with you to provide you more clear ideas. we have written down our communication details here under.

Looking forward to see you with us !

Best Regards

K. Basudev

SudharmaKrishi Consultants (P) Limited

Indian council of Agricultural Research ( nirjaft)

12, Regent park, Kolkata: 40.


Phone : +91 988 3644 699, 9143787763 (whatsapp only)

We could send you some important information in this regard if you could provide us your email id.

Looking forward to see you with us !

Best Regards

K. Basudev

SudharmaKrishi Consultants (P) Limited

Indian council of Agricultural Research ( nirjaft)

12, Regent park, Kolkata: 40.


Phone : +91 988 3644 699, 9143787763 (whatsapp only)

Crop selection must be done with respect to the soil and climate. However it is best to have mixed crop farming in which there is balance between trees, seasonal vegetables and cereals. Ideally trees to be transplanted must be fruits as it gives money annually and melia dubia as it is for long term investment just like bank term deposit for 12 years. In fruits I have grown mangoes as this fruit has forever demand. Further as my entire orchard is organic I fetch a premium price.

Seasonal vegetables need to be selected as per the market demand. Alternatively some different veggies can also be grown if you have the confidence of selling the same. However I feel best option is greens because it sells all the year round and enriches the soil fertility. Income is also generated within two months.

In cereals, I only recommend millets. As per the medical study on human health it is said that everyday human body requires 30 gram fiber. Amongst all the cereals millet has maximum fiber content that is 3-4% while wheat has 1.2% and rice contains only 0.2%. The best advantage is millets are sturdy crop that grows even in less water considering we are facing water crisis across the nation now. There are nine varieties of millets that can be grown easily in all sorts of soil in all weather conditions.

Millets can even be grown even in drought conditions as it survives with the mist. However little irrigation is required but certainly it is best choice than rice and wheat. In 365days, whenever we need can grow millets. Harvesting millet during heavy rains is not suitable so cultivation needs to be planned accordingly. Even at the time of harvesting birds trouble so this issue should be also taken care of rest all is fine.

It is possible to earn good money in farming only when farmer plans his cultivation properly. It has to be a good mix of crops. The revenues can be further increased if it is integrated with some livestock farming like dairy, poultry or fish. I have a fish pond in my farm and the pond water having the fish excreta is used for irrigating the orchards and millet farming area. In addition keep little provision for risk too just like in other business. In farming climate can create problem but sometime so be prepared for that as well. Rest all will be fine. Plan well and proceed.

We have more than 100 acres of land under our control. They are the same locality but in 3 different pieces.
Its all owned by family, friends and partners but we can use it all if we present a viable project.
The 14 acre we originally mentioned is closer to village and self owned and we want to start small and then expand.
We have this land for a few years but have not been able to focus on a project for it but we want to start now, asap.

We can do something ourselves, specially with wood variety plantation but we are looking for an expert partner to make the process smooth and help manage the long term care and growth.

We would not be interested in a one time consultation but rather a partner who can contribute more of a turn key project and work with future returns.
Sir revolving earth agro

Sir revolving earth agro
We have more than 100 acres of land under our control. They are the same locality but in 3 different pieces.
Its all owned by family, friends and partners but we can use it all if we present a viable project.
The 14 acre we originally mentioned is closer to village and self owned and we want to start small and then expand.
We have this land for a few years but have not been able to focus on a project for it but we want to start now, asap.

We can do something ourselves, specially with wood variety plantation but we are looking for an expert partner to make the process smooth and help manage the long term care and growth.

We would not be interested in a one time consultation but rather a partner who can contribute more of a turn key project and work with future returns.
Please see the post and attachment there.
Mail us for further details to E:
