Natural farming workshop in tumkur by shri subhash palekar




Natural Farming Workshop By Pujya Shri Subhash Palekar ji at BIRLA AUDITORIUM, SIT ENGINEERING COLLEGE, TUMKUR, Karnataka on 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th of OCTOBER 2009.

Dear Friends,
There is a workshop being conducted at TUMKUR (a town about 70kms from Bangalore) on Natural Farming (kindly note that this is NOT Organic farming!) by its founding father Pujya Shri Subhash Palekar ji.

Salient features of Natural Farming are:
  1. Zero budget- near zero input costs which are recoverable.
  2. Increase in fertility of the soil year after year the Natural Way...
  3. A single desi (nati) cow is helpful in cultivating 30 acres of land. (It is indeed the Gomatha!)
  4. Water requirement is 20% of chemical/organic farming. Hence the requirement of power is minimal too :).
  5. Yield and Quality of produce is EXCELLENT (higher than chemical/organic farming) with better shelf life and hence fetches better price.
  6. Labour costs too are less as compared to chemical/organic farming methods.
  7. It is very scientific and replicates the forest ecosystem!
  8. Spiritual way of farming and is based on our great age-old and time tested vedic principles
Shri Subhash Palekarji would himself lecture in detail on the Concepts, Principles and Practices of Natural Farming and cultivation of various crops the Natural way. You would also get to hear to the experiences of farmers using these techniques for some time now.
In short, I feel, this is one single answer to the current misery that has plagued the farming sector.

Please...please...please...don't letgo of this opportunity!
Participate and benefit from the noble movement that Shri Palekarji has taken up!

The fee is Rs. 200/- only and this INCLUDES boarding (food- brk fst/lunch/tea/dinner) and lodging (stay) arrangements.
Kindly note that the lodging will be simple since it is aimed at humble farmers (so make sure you carry appropriate bedding).

Please contact one of the following for registration:
Ratna Kumar (myself)......098860 41048
Shri Prasanna Murthy.....092431 38136

Warm regards,
Ratna Kumar

Request to the moderator: Kindly do not delete the contact numbers since this is being hosted on behalf of the Organizers with a service motive.
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Natural Farming workshop is not Business!

Dear Moderator,

Kindly note that the Natural Farming workshop is NOT being done as Business but is a service to the farming community by Shri Subhash Palekarji!
Hence I requested that the contact numbers not be deleted but I see the same happen.
Would appreciate your help and co-operation.

Thanks and regards,

Dear Ramsai,
Please add the contact details and I will ensure that it will not be deleted again since it is done with a service motive.

Sir / Mam

I wish to know the contact details , as i was not able to get your contact details to call& confirm about the same ,
I am very new to farming & wish to know more about the farming so am i a sutiable candiate for the progame conducted by your self . As i have some more doubts wish to have your contact nos , So i can clear all this as i will have to come all the way from T Narsipoppura , So please let me know


Please contact............
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Natural Farming workshop

Dear Ramsai,
Please add the contact details and I will ensure that it will not be deleted again since it is done with a service motive.

Dear Moderator,
Greatly appreciate your gesture!
Have reposted the message with contact info.

God Bless!

Kind regards,
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I am very new to farming & wish to know more about the farming so am i a sutiable candiate for the progame conducted by your self . As i have some more doubts wish to have your contact nos.mail me or call me..............
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Dear Sir,
I am from Chennai. I am interested to attend the workshop of Pujya Palekar ji. Do you have plan of conducting one in Tamilnadu?

Do you have any restiction on number of attendees to this workship?

How do I Pay and confirm a seat in the workshop?
