Mysore sandalwood plants



2 feat hight,well matured,well maintaind,1 year old sandalwood plants for sale.any intrestd partys want to plant plz contect me prasad bhat .
stock available 5000 plants.
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Sandlewood PLant

Will these plants grow in West Bengal where for 8 months in a year the weather is hot and humid.

avery wer it comes man...watar loging area and himalyan hill region is not suitable fr requair maximum sun light and 5 leters of water avery weak up to 3 years and sm organic fertilizer,and after 3 or 4 years it grows naturaly, nothing it eant after thtr ok.....

Sandalwood Plants

I am interested.What is the price and wht is minimum quantity you can ship.?
Where are you located and how would you ship. I need this for my farm in Raigad,Maharashtra
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Mysore Sandalwood Saplings

Can you please give me the price per sapling, reply to me
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