


New Member
i want to start mushroom business from home... is it possible?, is it profitable, how to start from home, is it practicle to start from roof top, i want to start in from Delhi and what about the marketing of mushrooms from Delhi..


New Member
i want to start mushroom business from home... is it possible?, is it profitable, how to start from home, is it practicle to start from roof top, i want to start in from Delhi and what about the marketing of mushrooms from Delhi..
What would be the initial minimum investment to start from home....


New Member
Dear Sir,
Get the whole information from Home
Thanks I am also interested in mushroom cultivation and I am from Agra suburb. Be in contact
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New Member
mushroom cultivation from home

I may offer you the advice on mushroom cultivation. Please specify me the location, size of your house in delhi. For details join mushroom community on orkut.
Rajesh k singh
Please contact..
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