Mushroom farming


mushroom farming details reqd

I have open space with compound with water facility of around 800 sq.ft in chennai surrounded by houses.

Please send me the details like capital required, what type of structure need and its cost. and average yield and returns per day..

oyster mushroom


We are supply oyster mushroom spawn and given the consultancy and training.

you have all ready space but mushroom cultivation required close shed.

800 sq feet. make around 500 bead plant. you cultivate the monthly avg. 800 kg fresh mushroom. and dry mushroom is avg. 70 to 75 kg.

1 kg dry mushroom cultivation expenses is Rs. 200 to 250 avg. and we buy mushroom rs. 450 per kg for dry and fresh mushroom is Rs. 40 per kg.

If you want complete project report and plant consultancy please contact us.


Dear all

FOR mushroom farming, Director mushroom research centre SOLAN.(H P) can be contacted.

Rates of Mushrooms are as follows:-

1. Dry mushrom per/kg- Rs 8OO

2. Fresh mushroom per /kg- Rs 150-200

Best Regards

Major Arvind Singh
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ve plots with shed of near about 2000 sq feet what are the expenses in haryana and how i can market my crop, please apprise if govt. help is available in haryana i karnal

hi I am Aaditya, if i cultivate fresh mushroom near Indore (Madhya Pradesh) will you buy from me ?
You provide some kind of training ?

mushroom cultivation in kerala

is it possible for mushroom cultivation in kerala..
details about the Capital requirement, any product buyers etc

RE: Mushroom room cultivation

Hello Sir

I am also intrested in the mushroom cultivation .From the above threads I understand that for mushroom cultivation Closed shed is required .Can I cultivate the mushroom in the Under the coconut tress .There will small amount sun rays will enter

Secondly fo rhte mushroom cultivation how long period takes to culivate after the plantation

Kindly provide your conact number to have further discusion

with regards



I have oyster mushroom in pune dry.

how i send to you?

please give me contact details

we start this month growing mushroom.

I supply regularly you please send me details my company details

Thanking you
Shree sai agro
hanumant hinge
I am interested in mushroom cultivation. I have a low tech Green House of 10000 sq ft, can I produce mushroom in it. Please send me PM. Thanks.

Best Quality Mushroom Spawn in Bulk

Hello Friends,
Our company produces mushroom spawn in a highly sophisticated laboratory in bulk. We produce spawn of every cultivated varieties of mushrooms. The price for Oyster , Milky and Paddy Straw mushrooms spawn is Rs.62 per kilogram(including delivery charge upto your nearest railway station) and Button, shiitake and Ganoderma spawn is Rs.74 per kg(including delivery charge upto your nearest railway station). Delivery time for oyster, paddy will be 12 days; Milky and Ganoderma will be 15 days and Button, Shiitake will be 18 days from receipt of confirmed order.
Good and profitable cultivation totally depends on good spawn that we are reputed of supplying from last 15 years.
We are interested in appointing agents around the country so you can contact us for that too.
Wishing you HAPPY MUSHROOM YEAR 2012.
Gayatri Agri Hort.

oyster mushrooms

i m interested in buying spawns .i want to know about buy back you are doing or not? if yes at what price u buy back dry oyster mushrooms.
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mr. ranawat

I am cultivator of oyster mushrooms in gujarat .i am interested to deal with you. how can i contact u?

contact ;
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Dear Friends,
We are a company which grows Oyster Mushrooms as well as Milky Mushrooms in Bulk.
Current Capacity is 150 kg/ day. And we are looking to expand in the future. We are looking for active partners who can help us in managing our farm, for a share in profits.
Please let us know if anyone is interested. Msg me at
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Dear all

FOR mushroom farming, Director mushroom research centre SOLAN.(H P) can be contacted.

Rates of Mushrooms are as follows:-

1. Dry mushrom per/kg- Rs 8OO

2. Fresh mushroom per /kg- Rs 150-200

Best Regards

Major Arvind Singh
Dear Major Arvind Singh,

I am placed in Bangalore, Karnataka and have a covered area of Approximately 800 Sft. I am interested in doing Mushroom Farming on a BUYBACK AGREEMENT. Do you provide Contact Farming if so i have few queries if you can help me out.

1) Do you provide training?
2) What is the facility i have to provide for growing Mushrooms in my place?
2) How much quantity of Fresh & Dry Mushrooms can be grown in 800 Sft.?
3) What is the Cultivation Expenses for growing Fresh & Dry Mushrooms in 800 Sft.?
4) If we go for a Contract Farming with you at what price do you buy Fresh & Dry Mushrooms?

Chetan B R

Mashroom Contract


I'm based out of Bangalore and seeking for contract or buy back agreement to for Mashroom cultivation. Can you please provide your contact details to get more details on the same ?


mushroom cultivation shed available for rent

Hi, Any body want information for mushroom cultivation please contact me

hello I have a mushroom cultivation shed which was built exclusively for cultivating milky mushrooms. it is more than 5000 sqf and has all the infrastructure for milky mushroom cultivation - like dip tanks autoclave solar water heaters. It is about 35 kms from bangalore nice road on kanakapura road. if anyone is interested please ask them to contact me regards hanigowda
