Mushroom cultivation




I am Shumitha from Daily mushrooms.. We are providing complete service on mushroom cultivation.. We have developed integerated facility for mushroom cu;ltivation. we help you at each step to have higher production with less labour.

With 5000sq.ft you can generate additional income of Rs.15000 per month... we have buy back assurance.. we will supply all type os rawmaterial such as pure culture, mother spawn, bed spawn, bed, sterile soil for casing.

You feel free to contact me for further clarification

With regards
Daily mushrooms
+91 9095555677


I am Shumitha from Daily mushrooms.. We are providing complete service on mushroom cultivation.. We have developed integerated facility for mushroom cu;ltivation. we help you at each step to have higher production with less labour.

With 5000sq.ft you can generate additional income of Rs.15000 per month... we have buy back assurance.. we will supply all type os rawmaterial such as pure culture, mother spawn, bed spawn, bed, sterile soil for casing.

You feel free to contact me for further clarification

With regards
Daily mushrooms
+91 9095555677
As discussed.........

Please contact........
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New Member
Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to start mushroom cultivation in bulck quantity.

Can you pls advise what are the formalities to start this ...

And what type of system you can provide . Is it tunnel or any other system?

have ther buy back system

my plan to be produced 750 to 1000tonns per year.kindly revert

Please contact.................
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New Member
Shumitha from Daily mushrooms.

we have about 1500 sft of terrace space.

Can we grow Mushrooms in htis space and if yes can you help us by guiding.

Please contact...........
Krishna rao
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you can t grow this mushroom at terrace... you have to grow with pit system then only you will get yield..



please give me your contact details for further discussion... and give me your email id will send you the more details...
