Hello Naresh
. Mushroom is very good crop which gives very good return in the low space and low investment. it doesn't require the open land as cultivation. you can get all the necessary information from this institute.
Directorate of Mushroom Research
(Indian Council for Agricultural Research)
Chambagaht, Solan – (HP) 173213 India
There are different types of mushroom, which do you want to cultivate
White button mushroom - Agaricus bisporus and A.bitorquis
Oyster mushroom - Pleurotus spp.
Paddy straw mushroom - Volvariella spp.
Specialty mushrooms - Shiitake (Lentinula edodes), Black ear (Auricularia spp.) and Milky mushroom (Calocybe indica)
Please let us know which do you want to cultivate??
Ashwini S