Question Murrah buffalos or hf cows which was profitable



New Member
Hello friends Iam planning to start a dairy farm in large scale with 100 animals I want to know that which was easy to maintain hf cows or murrah buffalos

Which gives more profits
Which was suitable for milking machines
Need your suggestions

Thanks in advance


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nehra dairy farm

Hello friends Iam planning to start a dairy farm in large scale with 100 animals I want to know that which was easy to maintain hf cows or murrah buffalos

Which gives more profits
Which was suitable for milking machines
Need your suggestions

Thanks in advance

hlo sir i am ashok from haryana in jind district,you maintain murrah bufalos because they give milk 19ltr pr day ,after long time,we have a lrge no. of murah bufalo.plz call me 8901074330

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