Murrah Buffaloes Required



New Member
Hi All,

I am looking to buy 10-15 pure Murrah buffaloes. Please e-mail me or call me...

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Murrah buffalo

hi swati

you can visit bahadurgarh, haryana near delhi for monthly fair on buffalo purchase and selling for best breed of buffaloes including murrah.


manoj singh

We specialize in supply of Pure breeds of excellent lactating and pregnant buffaloes of following types:-
 Pure Murrah Buffaloes of excellent body confirmation, Good udder, tightly curled horns, dairy temperament and milk yield capacity of 2000 to 4000 liters in a lactation (10 – 20 kg. per day.)
 Pure Nili Ravi buffaloes with milk yield capacity of 2000 to 3600 liters in a lactation. ( 10 – 18 kg. per day)
All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders.
Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.
For Trade inquiries or more information kindly visit or contact at:
Model Dairy Farm,
Naramau, G.T. road, Kanpur – 209217 (India)
Phone: 09936286478 , 09936296361.
Visit our website : Model Dairy Farm

pl. send your e-mail address .I shall provide best breed of Murrah Buffaoes to you as per your requirement.
Dr. M.S.Yadav
Shama Green Tech
Gurgaon ( Haryana )
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Murrah Buffallo

Dear Dr.Yadav
I am running a commercial diary farm in Maharshtra.I am looking for best qulity 100% Murrah(Not graded).Please let me know the average yield and cost for the first or second lactation Murrah.
Please mail me

need pure murrah breed buffalloes

pl. send your e-mail address .I shall provide best breed of Murrah Buffaoes to you as per your requirement.
Dr. M.S.Yadav
Shama Green Tech
Gurgaon ( Haryana )

.please call me or mail.i need 20 buffalloes.
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Dear Sir,

Kindly provide the contact for good murrah buffalo, jersey cows and where can we send our person to see and buy these.
