

Solar Mosquito Destroyer

Name: Mathews K Mathew
District: Kottayam
State: Kerala

Category: State
Award: State
Mathews K Mathew (45) has come up with a very interesting device- the solar mosquito trapper cum destroyer. This device makes use of the smell from the septic tank to attract the mosquitoes. Once the mosquitoes get trapped inside the device, the heat built up inside the device, as a result of direct sunlight exposure, kills them.
Mathews K Mathew, alias Mathews Kaitholil, hails from Kalaketty in Kottayam district, Kerala. Since childhood and schooldays, he has been a keen lover of nature and built and spent many busy afternoons developing traps to capture rodents and small animals, making wooden toys for his friends and designing firecrackers fixed to arrows, which would explode on impact and drive away birds from picking on the harvest in farms.
After his final year of graduation, he spent more than a decade developing and refining an effective product for trapping and killing mosquitoes. Currently, he is the managing partner of the firm, Kine Technologies and Research India, based at Kanjirapally, Kottayam. Along with his two partners, his firm is involved in design, production and sale of solar mosquito destroyer. It is apt that this innovation has been done in Kottayam as it is the first town in India selected by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India to be transformed as an Eco City. It is a town located in central Kerala and is an important trading center of spices and commercial crops, especially rubber. It is famous for its panoramic backwater stretches, lush paddy fields, and highlands.
Mathew’s grandfather and uncles had migrated to Kottayam some 100 years ago and had started the cultivation of rubber, coffee, coconut, pepper and other cash crops. His father, K J Mathew was also a farmer. His family members believe that Mathew has inherited his innovative streak from his grandfather who was versatile and had built all his household furniture, agricultural implements and contraptions to collect honeybee and modified and serviced all equipment.
Genesis of innovation
The innovation of the solar mosquito destroyer started with Mathews making an observation during his college days. One day, while he was studying in his room, a mosquito tried to bite him, He lashed out and clapped to kill the mosquito, which was hurt and fell down on the table. After some time, it recovered and flew again and went up to the glass pane fixed on the roof, which was there to let in the light into the room. Mathews concluded that mosquito tried to escape through the glass sheet without knowing the transparent glass nature of glass sheet. Finally, the mosquito was successful in finding the exit through the gap between roof tile and glass plate and also triggering a thought in Mathew’s mind.
A few months later, one evening, he noticed a large number of mosquitoes swarming around the waste tank constructed near the cow shed and entering through a small gap between the concrete slabs covering the tank. He observed that the mosquitoes found it difficult to survive in dry heat and sought out moist humid zones, as they were ideal for laying eggs and nurturing young mosquitoes.
Having developed interest and ability in trapping pests and rodents, he set about visualizing how he could trap the mosquitoes. He recalled the incident where the mosquito had flown into the transparent roof pane.
He then brought a glass to cover the gap between the slabs of the tank with a small gap at the edge for the entry of mosquitoes into the tank. Swarms of mosquitoes entered through the gap and started getting concentrated in the zone below the glass plate exposed to sunlight and were trying to escape. He then covered the glass plate with some non-transparent material and allowed only a trapezoid shaped part uncovered to enter sunlight in. He then mounted a transparent glass tube vertically above the trapezoid shaped part.Now he reduced the size of the entry point of mosquitoes by covering the open space by a wooden plank having a small one-inch hole at its center. He found the mosquitoes were still managing to enter the tank through the small opening by simply sensing the gas coming out of the tank. He came to the conclusion that the gas coming out of tank attracts the mosquitoes. Having entered the tube, the mosquitoes reached the trapezoidal section and attracted by light shining from above, flew upwards and exited out of the tube. Convinced that the mosquitoes were following a certain path, Mathews devised a simple way to capture the swarm at outlet. He covered the top of the glass tube with a transparent polythene bag. .
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Mr. Swamy,

If you have any way to get rid of the mosquitos please share with everyone.

Everyone will be thankful.


