milk dairy form



New Member
hi friends,
i think to start a dairy form in andhra pradesh, let me know answers for some questions,
what is cost of a murra buffalo?
what is avg milk production per 1 buffalo?
what will be the insurance premium per 1 buffalo?

pl z give answers to this questions.

thanks & regards
klnjnvcc(narsimha rao)


The Murrah buffalo is the finest genetic material of milk producing buffalo in the world. This breed has beaten the best dairy cows of the world in performance.Of the total production of milk of India, about 53 per cent comes from buffaloes, 43 per cent from cows and 4 per cent from goats and sheep.In economic terms, therefore, the rearing of buffalo is advantageous than cow keeping.Many Countries are studying the economics of Murrah buffalo keeping.
Cost May vary from 30-50 K
Avg milk production is 14-15 ltrs

Murrah Buffallo

Dear Mr.Kirti,
With due respect for you,I wish to contradict with you regarding your reply to a prospective dairy farmer regarding Murrah.I am in this line for almost 4 years now and I have experienced in and out of this trade in this period.No where you will get a Murrah at the cost you mentioned and with that yiled.The average Murrah yield for the whole lactation will be like 7at the max.It will start with about 11 to 12 liters a day and gradually goes to almost nil in 8-9 months-There may be exceptions to this that yields about 18-20 and all but may be one in 100 and that too it will cost about 70000+.Normal Murrah itself which yields about 10 liters will cost 45000+ in Jind or Rohtak.If the farmer succeeds in getting the animal concieved in the 3 rd month after delivery then the dry period will be about 3 months.Cow,if the farmer is ready to pay a little more attention than Buffallo,it is anytime better,by saying this I dont say that Buffallo farming is any less rewarding,I only wish to compare,thats it.

Where can i Get Murrah Buffallo

Dear Mr.Kirti,
With due respect for you,I wish to contradict with you regarding your reply to a prospective dairy farmer regarding Murrah.I am in this line for almost 4 years now and I have experienced in and out of this trade in this period.No where you will get a Murrah at the cost you mentioned and with that yiled.The average Murrah yield for the whole lactation will be like 7at the max.It will start with about 11 to 12 liters a day and gradually goes to almost nil in 8-9 months-There may be exceptions to this that yields about 18-20 and all but may be one in 100 and that too it will cost about 70000+.Normal Murrah itself which yields about 10 liters will cost 45000+ in Jind or Rohtak.If the farmer succeeds in getting the animal concieved in the 3 rd month after delivery then the dry period will be about 3 months.Cow,if the farmer is ready to pay a little more attention than Buffallo,it is anytime better,by saying this I dont say that Buffallo farming is any less rewarding,I only wish to compare,thats it.
where Can I get Murrah Buffallo

We at Model Dairy Consulting Services provide our clients complete end to end solutions in dairy farming. Our services start right with the conception of idea of an ideal dairy farm fully customized according to the local environment and client needs. We are the only dairy consultants in India which actually own and operate a 250+ cattle breeding Farm with Indian born Pure HF (F6/F7 i.e.92%+ exotic blood level). Our consulting services focus on efficiency as well as efficacy. We assure not only timely completion of project but also on optimum utilization of resources. Our Consultancy Services Include all aspects of dairy farm operations some of which are mentioned below:-
1. Project report preparation (50 lakhs to 10 crores)
2. Developing Standard farm operating procedure and annual business plan
3. Farm layout
4. Manpower planning and solutions
5. Tailor – made Training sessions
6. Sourcing of Livestock
7. Fodder management
8. Computation of feed.
9. Farm mechanization
10. Optimization of operating costs and efficiency ratios
11. Designing of most economical, comfortable and secure cow sheds and other required spaces.
12. Assistance in marketing of livestock after 2 years (even complete buy back arrangement can be worked out for pregnant heifers.)
Salient features of our A-Z Dairy Consulting Services :-
Technical knowhow matched with 30 years of practical experience of owning and running a dairy farm.
Focus on maximizing productive investment and minimizing investment on non productive items.
Selection of plant, machinery and equipments to be need based and not based on whims and fancies.
Alternate designs offered in most fixed investment so as to minimize it.
Guaranteed savings of 15 to 25 % in your project cost.
Guaranteed lucrative returns on investment.
Most economical and rational service charges.
For Trade inquiries or more information kindly visit or contact at:
Model Dairy Farm,
Naramau, G.T. road, Kanpur – 209217 (India)
Phone: 09936286478 , 09936296361.
visit us on web : Model Dairy Farm

It is true that the best dairy buffaloes like Murrah and Nili Ravi are found in India but all the dairy farmers in India know that they are not easily available and the reliability of animal and its true potential are often hard to guess before purchase of animal. We specialize in supply of Pure breeds of excellent lactating and pregnant buffaloes of following types:-
 Pure Murrah Buffaloes of excellent body confirmation, Good udder, tightly curled horns, dairy temperament and milk yield capacity of 2000 to 4000 liters in a lactation (10 – 20 kg. per day.)
 Pure Nili Ravi buffaloes with milk yield capacity of 2000 to 3600 liters in a lactation. ( 10 – 18 kg. per day)
 Pure Bhadavari Buffaloes of true type with milk yield capacity of 1300 to 1800 kg in a lactation. The average fat content in milk of Bhadavari buffalo is 10%+
All our cows, buffaloes, heifers and bulls are disease free and vaccinated. They all have great tolerance to hot and cold climatic conditions and are regular breeders.
Model Dairy Farm’s dairy cows, buffaloes and bulls are Reliable and Simply Superior.

For Trade inquiries or more information kindly visit or contact at:
Model Dairy Farm,
Naramau, G.T. road, Kanpur – 209217 (India)
Phone: 09936286478 , 09936296361.
visit us on web : Model Dairy Farm

Dear Mr. Mennon,
Greetings from Model Dairy Farm services ! We have arranged a HF breeding bull for you. By the end of this month we may supply some cattle near your farm. The bull and Red and white heifer would be transported along with those cattle so that the burden of freight may be minimum.

Thanks and regards,

