Milk Dairy Farming



New Member
I am very new to Milk dairy farming. I am currently working in Bangalore and thinking of starting a dairy farm. Please let me know where can i get detailed/more info on the same. My plan is start with few cows/buffalos and then slowly expand it. May be anyone with similar interest can also join. Is anyone owning a diary farm near bangalore ? so that i can visit it and get the actual experience ? I need to understand the difficulties involved so that i can prepare for that. I have big plans in my mind, but thorough research is very much required. So please help me out.


Visit the Veterinery college and Dairy Science in Hebbal

Address: Bellary Road, Sanjay Nagar, Hebbal, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560024
Phone:080 2341 1483

Hi Harish,
Thanks for your quick reply. Is there any specific section in the veterinary college which can guide me for the setup ?


Hi All,
Please let me know if there is any dairy farm near bangalore which i can visit.
And as per my initial analysis, i am seeing that the milk is sold to coperative socieites/companies at approx 13.5 Rs or so.
Will this give profits with just 13 to 15 rupees per litre ?

M Patil ji,
pl inform me the following particulars:
1 Extent of land owned, irrigation facilties, scope for raising fodder crops , labour available etc of establishment of dairy unit
3.we can keep cross bred cows like jersy and HF with initial unit cost of Rs.500000 to 600000/-
4.The income per month will around Rs.30000- to 35,000/-, expenditure will be Rs.15000 to 20000 provided green fodder is cultivated on our land.

For project report please contact us :
G.Ananda Rao, Agri-Finance and Technical consultant
Vijaya Agro Consultnts

M Patil ji,
pl inform me the following particulars:
1 Extent of land owned, irrigation facilties, scope for raising fodder crops , labour available etc of establishment of dairy unit
3.we can keep cross bred cows like jersy and HF with initial unit cost of Rs.500000 to 600000/-
4.The income per month will around Rs.30000- to 35,000/-, expenditure will be Rs.15000 to 20000 provided green fodder is cultivated on our land.

For project report please contact us :
G.Ananda Rao, Agri-Finance and Technical consultant
Vijaya Agro Consultnts

Dear Ananda Rao,
Thanks for your reply. I am still in the very initial stage. I don't have any land as of now and doing research as to where i should buy the land.


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