Melia Dubia Saplings for Sale



Active Member
We have very high quality Melia Dubia saplings for sale. The spalings are produced under good nursary conditions..

They are ready to be dispatched. If any from the state of Kerala, Tamilnadu and Karnataka are interested in these saplings then please leave me a message or email me.



Well-Known Member
Melia Dubia (Malai Vempu)

We are having Melia Dubia (Konda Yappa) saplings with us.The Melia Dubia propagted by cloning method for rapid growth .the cultivation period is maximum 6 years.It can be used for playwoods,paper pulp and light furnitures.The seeds of the Melia dubia are very hard so it will take minimu one year fo0r germination.By planting seedling the cultivation period will be extended to another 4 to 5 years.By planting seedlings We wnt get uniform growth.And also the yield of melia dubia very very less compare to clones.

For more information please contact:

Priya Nursey garden,
mobile :9843080275
web :Home


Active Member
Melia Dubia

Dear Sir,

I beg to differ from your views. I agree that Melia Dubia is hard to reproduce from seeds. But its not true that the Melia dubia grown from saplings donot get uniform growth or they take another 4-5 extra years to grow.

I can send u photo's of trees grown under rainfed condition, which have uniform growth and very good girth and will yield good timber.

Melia dubia like any other trees need good watering, caring unlike any other tress. Mostly people who plant this think its a care free tree and they donot need to care for it, where they make the mistake and loose out of yield.

Hope this helps...



Well-Known Member
Melia dubia saplings


Kindly let me know duration of germination of melia dubia.I think it will take one year for germination minimum.Am i right?Becasue the skin of melia dubia is very hard.One fruit will contains three or four seeds .Even if we are doing the seed treatment by applying gibralic acid the germination time is one year.Kindly send pictures for my reference.whether melia dubia saplings vegetated by cloning or by seeds?kindly let me know it.kindly provide your contact detaills.


Active Member
Melia Dubia Saplings

Dear Sir,

I completely agree that if you use the raw seeds from the tree it takes quite long to germinate. However there is a work around process, which ofcourse if very confidential, as we have identified it after quite an amount and R&D.

These spalings are produced from either seeds from the same tree or wildlings retirved from the same mother trees.

We will be setting up the mist chambers to produce clones from same parent tress shortly..

Since I am not a paid member of this community I guess I cannot post any of my contact details here. But guess as a business member you should be able to view my email address. Kindly send me an email and I shall respond at the earliest.


Cost of Melia Dubia Seedlings-Reg

Thank you Sir,
Tyhank you very much for your Posting.

We are in need of Malia Dubia Seedlings.Kindly mail us the Cost of each Plant. of Seed Germination and clones. Also enlighten which one is better for Fast Grwth.Mail the Details .
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Well-Known Member
Melia (ForestryNeem) Dubia

Hi sir,

recently i have attended one kind of meeting was arranged by one nurseryman @ Erode for discussion of melia dubia cultivation and marketing.The nurseryman from Erode stated that the clones of the melia dubia will not gives better yield while comparing with seedling cultivation.The clones of melia dubia will not attain the girth of 150 cms on completion of 7 years.But the clonel melia dubia (cultivation )timber can be used for only firewood.Is it correct ? kindly throw some lights in this regard.


A Sivakumar
priya Nursery Garden


melia dubia

We need 1000 melia dubia cloned saplings and informatin on its care in Kerala,Cannanore district.
Is it too late to plant now ie end August,early September.
What is the price and location and transport cost to our place.
Thank you.

Price of melia dubia saplings ?

We have very high quality Melia Dubia saplings for sale. The spalings are produced under good nursary conditions..

They are ready to be dispatched. If any from the state of Kerala, Tamilnadu and Karnataka are interested in these saplings then please leave me a message or email me.

Dear Sir , Pls give the price of each sapling , if we take 1000 saplings as a batch ?
when is the right season to plant them ?
Narender Rao Saineni


New Member
Dear sir, we are planning melia dubia plantation in 20 acres in near Hyderabad, Telangana, will u supply the saplings , then what is cost of saplings,


Well-Known Member
Dear sir, we are planning melia dubia plantation in 20 acres in near Hyderabad, Telangana, will u supply the saplings , then what is cost of saplings,
There is no specific season for planting the Melia Dubia since we allways give settled plants.But you dn't plant the MELIA DUBIA in the hot summer.Except summer we can plant the Melia Dubia under irrigation.



Well-Known Member
Melia Dubia /Malabar neem plants

MALABAR Neem is a miracle tree and do magic like fast growth.

For more details us,

A Sivakumar,
PRIYA Nursery Garden,


Well-Known Member

Dear sir, we are planning melia dubia plantation in 20 acres in near Hyderabad, Telangana, will u supply the saplings , then what is cost of saplings,

We are very proud to say that we have completed nearly 200 acres of Melia DUBIA plantation in Telengana state .Now also we are getting orders from Telengana state.For price,transportation and handling charges of Melia Dubia seedlings not clones kindly drop a mail to us.

A Sivakumar,
PRIYA Nursery Garden,

Dear sir, we are planning melia dubia plantation in 20 acres in near Hyderabad, Telangana, will u supply the saplings , then what is cost of saplings,
Dear sir

we are supplying good quality melia dubia seedlings in low price
spot delivery also available
please contact us

Mr. Pridweraj.K
Aadithya Nursery
Email us:
Call us @ +918129328796


Well-Known Member
The Melia Dubai will be planted after hot summer that's before rainy season.But you can make the basic works like ploughing with mould weapon of tractor for depth and remove unwanted roots also stones.And again plough the land cultivater ploughing by the tractor for twice.The all three ploughing will be done in the intervals of minimum 10 days.Now you can make pits for Melia Dubai in the size of 2'x2'x2'The recommended and suggested spacing will be 10'x10',9'x9' and 9'x8'.We are having the good quality in genuine breed of Melia Dubai seedlings are to be promoted by seed germinated method for fast growth and better yield.

A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden,


Well-Known Member
We are able to supply the malabar neem /Melia Dubia seedlings to Hyderabad,Telangana.
And also we are having the Sandalwood & Redsanders seedlings/saplings.

A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden,


Active Member
melia dubia plants in Mysore-9880589787

We have planted melia dubia in our Farm. We have nursery plants also with us in Mysore-karnataka.
The plants are germinated by seeds which gives better growth and can withstand high tolerence for high temperatures and less water availability.
Always prefer seed germinated plants and with proper guidance because planting is done once, so selection of plants is crucial.
We have planted melia dubia in our farm.
call us for information or plants on 9880589787



I am from Tamilnadu (Kanchipuram), planning to plant Malia dubia and Sandalwood (Mixed) in my 3 plus acre land near by Kanchipuram. Water availability is moderate.Does planting Malai Vembu and Sandal Wood works out and gives good result
Any legal formalities required to register or any to be done, what papers are required
Any bank loans and facilities,etc.,,
Any subsidies available from govt (Tamilnadu) or central for drip irrigation and planting or any.
whether i can intercrop (vegetable plants) anything for short term money outcome.
What would be the distance chart for planting,
How many saplings are required per acre (Mixed) and how much does it cost
Any support to setting up all the above and maintaining.If so how much it will cost for the entire project and for the entire duration until I in cash out.
Is it possible to grow medicinal plants under the shade of above planted trees as intercrops?

Naveen. R

Taking Average level ONE Ton X Rs 2700/Per Ton as per the present Price can fetch an Income of Rs.2,700 (in 5 -6 Years) = Rs.2,700 X 460 Trees/Acre = Rs.12,42,000/ [/COLOR]
(Even on worst Conditions) it will fetch a minimum Income of Rs.10 Lakhs (In Worst Conditions as per the Present Price.)The Price Timber will be a Minimum of Doubled after FIVE Years. Then you can assess the Income for 5-6 Years.

If one Keeps for 10 Years, it will have Timber Value like Teak. Then the yield will be >2.50 Tons / Tree and then the Price per Ton will also be More. As per our estimation it will be Rs.25 Lakhs to Rs.30 Lakhs/Acre as per the Present Timber Prices.

Kindly don't hesitate to contact us for any further Details/Quarries.! 9505263264

Melia Dubia | Malabar Neem in News:Read below headlines

The programme has taken off with Ambiply Panels and Doors inking an agreement with the research institute for training farmers to grow Melia dubia, a fast growing tree species that has been gaining importance in recent years in Tamil Nadu.Research personnel at the College say that after conducting field trails for over a decade, they have released two high yielding varieties– TNAU Melia MTP 1 and TNAU Melia MTP 2 – which were found suitable for making of quality plywood.“These incidentally, are also the most sought after species by the plywood industry. Having witnessed the potential of Melia dubia as a raw material for the plywood industry, Ambiply Panels and Doors approached us to promote and support plantations in farm holdings. Hence a consortia-based contract plywood farming model was conceived and designed for implementation in Tamil Nadu,” they said.This model will ensure buyback and assured price supportive mechanism for the growers. This will also create sustained supply of quality raw material to the plywood industry throughout the year.On the environmental front, the cultivation of Melia dubia tree will help reduce the atmospheric carbon-dioxide levels through carbon sequestration. This tree accumulates a biomass of 300 tonnes/hectares in six years, and removes 150 tonnes of atmospheric carbon-dioxide through sequestration. These consortia mode tree cultivation will help to protect the reserve forests of India, by reducing the pressure on them for supply of raw material, say Forest College experts.The tree grows in all kinds of soil and the wood fetches a minimum of Rs. 7,500/tonne once it reaches a girth of 20 inches. The farmer will be able to get Rs. 6-8 lakh from an acre within six years, a source said. Source: Contract farming in plywood takes root at farm varsity’s lead
The clones of Melia dubia evolved by me have been found to be admirably suitable for match splits and plywood veneer. The current demand is around 20 lakh tonnes per year and this could only be met by replicating our model all over the State. Therefore, by cultivation of these two, one lakh rupees per acre per year can be ensured for the farmers,” says Dr. Kumaravelu. Source: CO-4 grass, melia dubia, can generate substantial power for Tamil Nadu

Species such as poplar, eucalyptus, casuarinas, Melia dubia and various acacias are being planted to meet the ever increasing demand from local wood based industries. Source:
India: Plywood industry survival at risk due to log supply shortage

For Telugu Translation about Malabar Neem Plantation Details.

We supply plants to any pace in India in bulk, so transportation is not a problem. We produce and supply 8 lakh plants yearly. The plants we supply are buy back guarantee. Call 9505263264 (24hrs calls are accepted)

Even Wikipedia has referred us as the best source in the web: ( "Cultivation of Melia dubia ( Tamil: Malai Vembu, Sinhala: Lunumidella)")

So, Y not take a call and order the Melia dubia plants now!!!

Sri Amirtha Nursery Farm
South India's Best and First Biggest Agro Forestry Nursery.
Customers Support (24hrs) - 9505263264

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Well-Known Member
We are able to supply to any destination in India.We already completed 300 acres of melia Dubia in the region of Telenghana ,Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

With regards
A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden,
Karaikudi-630001,Tn,South us:9843080275/


Well-Known Member
We are able to supply the Malabar Neem to Hyderabad Telenghana area .We already have completed 300 acres in Telenghana ,Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

For details us:

A Sivakumar,
Priya Nursery Garden
Karaikudi-630001,TN,South us:9843080275/
