Medium Sized Semi Automated Dairy Farm



I have visited a few dairy farms in the USA and seen their technology and how they manage their dairy farms. Unbelievable care is given to the animals with the minimum of labor and the yields are tremendous.

Unfortunately I am not aware of the dairy farm management procedures in India besides tying the livestock in an enclosure, feeding them grass and using milking equipment to milk the cows. I am wondering if such semi automated or automated dairy farms exist in India. Is it possible to replicate the USA or Israeli business model/milk production model in India and can anyone know the Return on Investment on such a model?

I am looking to set up a dairy farm of about 300 to 500 cows to begin with. I already have land near Hyderabad with water and an end client willing to buy milk besides contracting with a Heifer farm to get the livestock.

I am looking to invest in only INFRASTRUCTURE where a lot of the manual processes can be automated.

I need INFRASTRUCTURE consultants for my project and not ALL IN ONE Dairy Consultants. My requirements are below.

1.) Semi Automated/Automated Cow Dung Removal System.
2.) Milking Stalls (herringbone preferred)
3.) Milk Chillers powered by Solar Panels.
4.) Cow feed besides grass and hay and their availability.
5.) Approximate cost of infrastructure.
6.) Disease Management skills.
7.) Time for completion of infrastucture.

When replying this thread, please do tell WHERE you have implemented such projects and at what PRICE.
More importantly, please post some pictures or videos of your work and whether it will be feasible to visit such farms to gain an understanding of your expertise.

Let me repeat, I am ONLY looking for consultants with heavy experience and expertise in Dairy INFRASTRUCTURE projects and NEED to see their work. Please reply if you have such skills and I will contact you.
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my contact details

Dear Sir,
contact me on my email address, i can give you all the information.i am not a consultant but i have done lot of research on dairy i can share with u all my research. now i am in Malaysia. do contact me , my email address is given above.

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New Member
Your experince in dairy forming

Dear Friend,

I am very much interested in setting up of dairy form and honestly i do not know abcd on that. Currently I am woerking as general manager for MNC based at Bangalore. I wish to be an entraprenour.please guide me on the same.

my contact details and my contact number..
please contact...

I have visited a few dairy farms in the USA and seen their technology and how they manage their dairy farms. Unbelievable care is given to the animals with the minimum of labor and the yields are tremendous.

Unfortunately I am not aware of the dairy farm management procedures in India besides tying the livestock in an enclosure, feeding them grass and using milking equipment to milk the cows. I am wondering if such semi automated or automated dairy farms exist in India. Is it possible to replicate the USA or Israeli business model/milk production model in India and can anyone know the Return on Investment on such a model?

I am looking to set up a dairy farm of about 300 to 500 cows to begin with. I already have land near Hyderabad with water and an end client willing to buy milk besides contracting with a Heifer farm to get the livestock.

I am looking to invest in only INFRASTRUCTURE where a lot of the manual processes can be automated.

I need INFRASTRUCTURE consultants for my project and not ALL IN ONE Dairy Consultants. My requirements are below.

1.) Semi Automated/Automated Cow Dung Removal System.
2.) Milking Stalls (herringbone preferred)
3.) Milk Chillers powered by Solar Panels.
4.) Cow feed besides grass and hay and their availability.
5.) Approximate cost of infrastructure.
6.) Disease Management skills.
7.) Time for completion of infrastucture.

When replying this thread, please do tell WHERE you have implemented such projects and at what PRICE.
More importantly, please post some pictures or videos of your work and whether it will be feasible to visit such farms to gain an understanding of your expertise.

Let me repeat, I am ONLY looking for consultants with heavy experience and expertise in Dairy INFRASTRUCTURE projects and NEED to see their work. Please reply if you have such skills and I will contact you.
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Active Member

I have visited a few dairy farms in the USA and seen their technology and how they manage their dairy farms. Unbelievable care is given to the animals with the minimum of labor and the yields are tremendous.

Unfortunately I am not aware of the dairy farm management procedures in India besides tying the livestock in an enclosure, feeding them grass and using milking equipment to milk the cows. I am wondering if such semi automated or automated dairy farms exist in India. Is it possible to replicate the USA or Israeli business model/milk production model in India and can anyone know the Return on Investment on such a model?

I am looking to set up a dairy farm of about 300 to 500 cows to begin with. I already have land near Hyderabad with water and an end client willing to buy milk besides contracting with a Heifer farm to get the livestock.

I am looking to invest in only INFRASTRUCTURE where a lot of the manual processes can be automated.

I need INFRASTRUCTURE consultants for my project and not ALL IN ONE Dairy Consultants. My requirements are below.

1.) Semi Automated/Automated Cow Dung Removal System.
2.) Milking Stalls (herringbone preferred)
3.) Milk Chillers powered by Solar Panels.
4.) Cow feed besides grass and hay and their availability.
5.) Approximate cost of infrastructure.
6.) Disease Management skills.
7.) Time for completion of infrastucture.

When replying this thread, please do tell WHERE you have implemented such projects and at what PRICE.
More importantly, please post some pictures or videos of your work and whether it will be feasible to visit such farms to gain an understanding of your expertise.

Let me repeat, I am ONLY looking for consultants with heavy experience and expertise in Dairy INFRASTRUCTURE projects and NEED to see their work. Please reply if you have such skills and I will contact you.

you are on correct path, I am not consultant but I have very good study in this subject, I am farmer and around me various kind of animals, very close to animal life and habits. but always I am thinking to guide the people to correct way..... Dear, I am out of India now, either I must invite you to see the different sides. any have you select first green land location and start first from Dairy Milk business (Parches the milk from people and sale it to some where) than you will get............


please contact...
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New Member
dear please suggest me also.
I have visited a few dairy farms in the USA and seen their technology and how they manage their dairy farms. Unbelievable care is given to the animals with the minimum of labor and the yields are tremendous.

Unfortunately I am not aware of the dairy farm management procedures in India besides tying the livestock in an enclosure, feeding them grass and using milking equipment to milk the cows. I am wondering if such semi automated or automated dairy farms exist in India. Is it possible to replicate the USA or Israeli business model/milk production model in India and can anyone know the Return on Investment on such a model?

I am looking to set up a dairy farm of about 300 to 500 cows to begin with. I already have land near Hyderabad with water and an end client willing to buy milk besides contracting with a Heifer farm to get the livestock.

I am looking to invest in only INFRASTRUCTURE where a lot of the manual processes can be automated.

I need INFRASTRUCTURE consultants for my project and not ALL IN ONE Dairy Consultants. My requirements are below.

1.) Semi Automated/Automated Cow Dung Removal System.
2.) Milking Stalls (herringbone preferred)
3.) Milk Chillers powered by Solar Panels.
4.) Cow feed besides grass and hay and their availability.
5.) Approximate cost of infrastructure.
6.) Disease Management skills.
7.) Time for completion of infrastucture.

When replying this thread, please do tell WHERE you have implemented such projects and at what PRICE.
More importantly, please post some pictures or videos of your work and whether it will be feasible to visit such farms to gain an understanding of your expertise.

Let me repeat, I am ONLY looking for consultants with heavy experience and expertise in Dairy INFRASTRUCTURE projects and NEED to see their work. Please reply if you have such skills and I will contact you.

Dear Mr.Ravi,

I am Parameshwar Hegde working as a business consultant in the field of agriculture and allied sectors. With my experience and expertise in setting up a new dairy farm I can give my service to you.
In the past two years I have designed many farms ranging from 300 cows to 3000 cows in different parts of India (especially in Punjab and Assam) with different automated systems in the dairy farming.
Presently I am at Bangalore. If needed we can meet and discuss your requirement.

Parameshwar Hegde

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Looking to start semi automated dairy farm

I am s/w professional now... I need your kind help to setup new dairy farm. I am very much passionate for the same. Will require report for the Dairy farm on my email ID.......

I am seeking your help in following topics

1. Is Dairy Farm profitable
2. Dairy Farming and common challenges in India
3. Suitable location for dairy farming --- I am thinking to start up Guntur, Andhra Pradesh
4. Cattle Procurement(Jersey and HF) Health management
5. Cattle fodder management
6. Cattle concetrate feed management system
7. Clean Milk Prodcution parameters
8. Dairy Farm Monitoring system
9. Fodder and Legume Cultivation in own Farm
10. Dairy Machinery procurement
11. Dairy Loan from Banks

Thanks in advance. Take you own time to reply but prompt reply will be highly appreciated

Please contact me at
If its feasible please give me your email ID.

Hope you will understand my need. send report as earliest possible once it received i will go through the same and then will some input from you.

Thanks and regards
Please contact...
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Hi Please let me know your contact details....

Dear Mr.Ravi,

I am Parameshwar Hegde working as a business consultant in the field of agriculture and allied sectors. With my experience and expertise in setting up a new dairy farm I can give my service to you.
In the past two years I have designed many farms ranging from 300 cows to 3000 cows in different parts of India (especially in Punjab and Assam) with different automated systems in the dairy farming.
Presently I am at Bangalore. If needed we can meet and discuss your requirement.

Parameshwar Hegde
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Hi Please let me know your contact details....

I live in US and planning to start dairy farm in India..

Pls let me know u r details and progress

I have visited a few dairy farms in the USA and seen their technology and how they manage their dairy farms. Unbelievable care is given to the animals with the minimum of labor and the yields are tremendous.

Unfortunately I am not aware of the dairy farm management procedures in India besides tying the livestock in an enclosure, feeding them grass and using milking equipment to milk the cows. I am wondering if such semi automated or automated dairy farms exist in India. Is it possible to replicate the USA or Israeli business model/milk production model in India and can anyone know the Return on Investment on such a model?

I am looking to set up a dairy farm of about 300 to 500 cows to begin with. I already have land near Hyderabad with water and an end client willing to buy milk besides contracting with a Heifer farm to get the livestock.

I am looking to invest in only INFRASTRUCTURE where a lot of the manual processes can be automated.

I need INFRASTRUCTURE consultants for my project and not ALL IN ONE Dairy Consultants. My requirements are below.

1.) Semi Automated/Automated Cow Dung Removal System.
2.) Milking Stalls (herringbone preferred)
3.) Milk Chillers powered by Solar Panels.
4.) Cow feed besides grass and hay and their availability.
5.) Approximate cost of infrastructure.
6.) Disease Management skills.
7.) Time for completion of infrastucture.

When replying this thread, please do tell WHERE you have implemented such projects and at what PRICE.
More importantly, please post some pictures or videos of your work and whether it will be feasible to visit such farms to gain an understanding of your expertise.

Let me repeat, I am ONLY looking for consultants with heavy experience and expertise in Dairy INFRASTRUCTURE projects and NEED to see their work. Please reply if you have such skills and I will contact you.
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Hello sir

Hello sir,
I am Bhuvan from Hyderabad, I am a basic from Kadapa Distict. we have some Land to buy in my area which is suitable to establish dairyform with 300-500. you have good marketing feacility near by my area.There are lots of Dairy forms established near by . Dhodla dairy(100Km from my home),
Nandini dairy(50Km from my home), Heritage Dairy (80Km from my home).
You have water fecility for Green food growing. If you are intrested to establish fullyfledgely, Please revert me back
please contact...
If you set the form , that show the employment for 20-30 persons sir.. please think once. If you don't ready to invest in Dairy, i have one more brillinat idea with me. then i will share with you which is higly profitable per every year.
please replay me sir.

Bhuvan reddy

I have visited a few dairy farms in the USA and seen their technology and how they manage their dairy farms. Unbelievable care is given to the animals with the minimum of labor and the yields are tremendous.

Unfortunately I am not aware of the dairy farm management procedures in India besides tying the livestock in an enclosure, feeding them grass and using milking equipment to milk the cows. I am wondering if such semi automated or automated dairy farms exist in India. Is it possible to replicate the USA or Israeli business model/milk production model in India and can anyone know the Return on Investment on such a model?

I am looking to set up a dairy farm of about 300 to 500 cows to begin with. I already have land near Hyderabad with water and an end client willing to buy milk besides contracting with a Heifer farm to get the livestock.

I am looking to invest in only INFRASTRUCTURE where a lot of the manual processes can be automated.

I need INFRASTRUCTURE consultants for my project and not ALL IN ONE Dairy Consultants. My requirements are below.

1.) Semi Automated/Automated Cow Dung Removal System.
2.) Milking Stalls (herringbone preferred)
3.) Milk Chillers powered by Solar Panels.
4.) Cow feed besides grass and hay and their availability.
5.) Approximate cost of infrastructure.
6.) Disease Management skills.
7.) Time for completion of infrastucture.

When replying this thread, please do tell WHERE you have implemented such projects and at what PRICE.
More importantly, please post some pictures or videos of your work and whether it will be feasible to visit such farms to gain an understanding of your expertise.

Let me repeat, I am ONLY looking for consultants with heavy experience and expertise in Dairy INFRASTRUCTURE projects and NEED to see their work. Please reply if you have such skills and I will contact you.
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ramya k

New Member

I am very much interested in setting up of dairy form.I have visited a few dairy farms in AP.Unfortunately I am not aware of the dairy farm management procedures.I am looking to set up a dairy farm of about 60 to 100 cows to begin with.

I am seeking your help in following topics which r very common

1. Suitable location for dairy farming --- I am thinking to start up HYD, Andhra Pradesh
2. Cattle Procurement(Jersey and HF) Health management
3. Cattle fodder management
4. Cattle concetrate feed management system
5. Clean Milk Prodcution parameters
6. Dairy Farm Monitoring system
7. Fodder and Legume Cultivation in own Farm
8. Dairy Machinery procurement
9. Dairy Loan from Banks
11.) Semi Automated/Automated Cow Dung Removal System.
12.) Milking Stalls (herringbone preferred)
13.) Cow feed besides grass and hay and their availability.
14.) Approximate cost of infrastructure.
15.) Disease Management skills.
16.) Time for completion of infrastucture.

When replying this thread, please do tell WHERE you have implemented such projects and at what PRICE.
More importantly, please post some pictures or videos of your work and whether it will be feasible to visit such farms to gain an understanding of your expertise.

Let me repeat, I am ONLY looking for consultants with heavy experience and expertise in Dairy INFRASTRUCTURE projects and NEED to see their work. Please reply if you have such skills and I will contact you or my contact details and my contact number..
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New Member
about dairy farming

deepak i seek ur guidance on dairy farming, kindly guide me from the scratch

Dear Sir,
contact me on my email address, i can give you all the information.i am not a consultant but i have done lot of research on dairy i can share with u all my research. now i am in Malaysia. do contact me , my email address is given above.



New Member


you are on correct path, I am not consultant but I have very good study in this subject, I am farmer and around me various kind of animals, very close to animal life and habits. but always I am thinking to guide the people to correct way..... Dear, I am out of India now, either I must invite you to see the different sides. any have you select first green land location and start first from Dairy Milk business (Parches the milk from people and sale it to some where) than you will get............


please contact...
Dear Sir,

Please guide me to startup dairy with 100 - 500 cattles.

Thank you in advance for your contact details.




New Member
Dear Sir,
contact me on my email address, i can give you all the information.i am not a consultant but i have done lot of research on dairy i can share with u all my research. now i am in Malaysia. do contact me , my email address is given above.

Sir ,

Kindly share your contact details .



New Member
Dear Sir,

I'm planning to start cattle farming in Bangalore, need guidance .could you please provide me contact details, so that I can share my queries.
