Hi surendra,
Kasturi bhendi is scientifically called Abelmoschus moschata (Ambrette)
Abelmoschus Moschatus is an annual growing plant in many hotter parts of the world. The seeds root and leaves are having different uses. The seeds contain fixed oil a solid crystalline matter and resin. Fixed oil is greenish yellow fluid which solidifies on contact with air.
Land is prepared by ploughing and leveling. Decomposition is applied and mixed well. Ridges and furrows are opened keeping a spacing of 60cm. Treat the seeds with “captain” at the rate of 6gm per Kg of seeds. Seeds are soaked in water for 24hrs and 2 seeds are sown one – one side of ridges at a depth of 1cm covered with soil. The field is irrigated soon after sowing. After 6 to 12 days of germination, nitrogen is applied in furrows about 10cm away from the plants.
During the first stage the field is irrigated at 2-5 days interval and later stage once in a week depending on the weather conditions. The field is kept free from weeds and regular weeding is required during the growing period.
The crops start to flower after 80 days of sowing. The female flowers set fruits in nearly three to four days and the pods take nearly a month to mature. When the fruits turns dark colour and white opening at angles of the ridges of the pod. Otherwise they split and seed fall off and go waste. So regular harvesting should be done. The average yield is of 300kg per Acre.
Uses of Abelmoschus Moschatus
Seed are stimulant, carminative, cooling, diuretic, demulcent, antispasmodic and ionic. Abelmoschus Moschatus seeds are useful in nervous disability, hysteria and other nervous disorders. Seeds are used for perfuming medicinal oils and in much demand in perfumery, cosmetic and agarbatti industries; Abelmoschus Moschatus is used as a drink in fever, gonorrhea , inhalation in hoarseness and dryness of the throat. Powdered seed steeped in alcohol are applied to the bites of serpents. Seeds rubbed to a paste with milk is used to cure itch. Leaves of the plants are recommended in gonorrhea and venereal diseases.
Ashwini S