Wanted interested growers for growing following medicinal hebs.
1. Tulsi
2. Bhumiamla
each herb is required from 200 - 500 ton. For buy back agreement and technical guidance please send private message pls feel free to contact and fix the appointment
hello chinnadurai,Sir,
We can cultivate herbs on contract basis in Salem, Namakkal area of Tamil Nadu, send your complete details of plan, agreement, buyback etc
Wanted interested growers for growing following medicinal hebs.
1. Tulsi
2. Bhumiamla
each herb is required from 200 - 500 ton. For buy back agreement and technical guidance please send private message pls feel free to contact and fix the appointment
Wanted interested growers for growing following medicinal hebs.
1. Tulsi
2. Bhumiamla
each herb is required from 200 - 500 ton. For buy back agreement and technical guidance please send private message pls feel free to contact and fix the appointment
Wanted interested growers for growing following medicinal hebs.
1. Tulsi
2. Bhumiamla
each herb is required from 200 - 500 ton. For buy back agreement and technical guidance please send private message pls feel free to contact and fix the appointment
Wanted interested growers for growing following medicinal hebs.
1. Tulsi
2. Bhumiamla
each herb is required from 200 - 500 ton. For buy back agreement and technical guidance please send private message pls feel free to contact and fix the appointment