Medicinal plant cultivation

@ sdgmkjgi111...we have already communicated through emails. All details have already been sent to your mail id. Please review and get back t me.

Dear Dr. Khan,
We are Uttar Pradesh based farmer in Hamirpur Distt. presently we are farming Tulsi and Quinova in buyback scheme with M/s Organic India. Please send us your proposal so that we can plan it for next season.

Thanks and Regards,
Sandeep Dwivedi
Mob: 08826009393

Hi, last year I brought Rs. 30000 worth of seeds from this person and not a single plant came up. I had done the planting after consulting him. But he gave me wrong information that it can grow in madhya pradesh area where as it grows only in very cold areas like uttarakhand. Be careful while dealing with these people. i still have all the bills and emails as proof.

@ mayvil...It's just very funny and immature job you did. You got failure doesn't mean we are wrong. We never give our farmers wrong information. We are qualified and experienced consulting company and not any traditional seed supplier/ trader. You are absolutely wrong here that Akarkara is cold region crop. It is cold season crop not cold region crop. Yes, it is winter crop of northern Indian plains (not Uttarakhand hills) but it is still cultivated majority of Indian states including M.P. We are ready to accept any challenge for an open debate on any public portal to prove us. The most important fact is majority of Akarkara farmers are in Uttar Pradesh and not in Uttarakhand. Even you can rarely find Akarkara growers in Uttarakhand and whatever farmers are there they are in Uttarakhand plains and not on hills.

I can give you reference of those farmers who did trial of Akarkara in different plots of same location and in one, they get failure and in another they succeed at the same time. Can you tell me how is it with same package of recommendations? It is possible whe nyou are not able to provide the crop with recommended set of conditions. Actually, majority of newly entering people in farming community do not focus on planning. They do not want to invest on planning, to invite qualified experts and consultants for site visits. When they indulge themselves in hidden trials and get failure, tell us responsible for everything. It's not fair. Please try to accept your failure.

Under the same thread, we have many growers who have successfully cultivated this crop during past years under our guidance. I personally invite all those growers and forum members who are associated with us, please come and add your opinion about our services, knowledge and experience. I invite you to visit with us the farmlands of our Akarkara farmers at various locations and remove your immature doubts.

Finally, I suggest this forum member to realize the mistake you did, what were the possible shortcomings, discuss with us and do one more trial on small level instead of drawing false conclusions and provoking others. This is not a gentleman job. That's all for now.

With best regards

I am cultivating Akarkara from last 3 years with guidance of Dr Khan of Pioneeragri. Each year I got excellent results. Although in first year I got minimum yield approx 400 kgs / acre because I was new at that time. In 2nd year, I got 550 kgs per acre and third year 675 kgs from one acre area. this crop is very very sensitive to moisture so please focus only on water management for good germination. Dr Khan is very experienced and knowledgeable scientist and I got lot of benefits because of him.

Drum stick cultivation

We are looking for Expertised hands for Medicinal Plantation in Gujarat. Priority for DRUM STIC PLANTATION.Agriculture land 100 acres 60Kilometers from Ahmedabad City.
atul shah

Dear Dr. Khan,
We are farmer based in Hamirpur distt. U.P. it is approximately 230 kms from Lucknow, having 20 acres well developed farm.
Based on our experience in conventional farming, now we are willing to switch to Organic farming.
You can provide us your valuable inputs to start it.
Mainly we are interested in buy-back schemes.

Thanks & Regards,
Sandeep Dwivedi
Mob: 08826009393

I have a land in bijapur which has hot n dry weather plz send the details of which plant is best suited for max profit I have a good piece of land about 8 acres

Hello Deepa.

Sorry for being late in replying your mail. For the last couple of weeks, I couldn't access the forum activities. I am back on forum now. Please share your Email id for detailed discussion.

Best regards

Dr Ubaid Khan

dear sir
we are a banglore based NGO working with 8000 farmers in rural areas of karnataka , we are implementing watershed projects. few of our farmers are interested in medicinal plants cultivation please do send me your proposal & details to

Dear khan sir...
Here is abhishek from up.allahabad.... i have 15acre of fertile land in allahabad district few acres less irrigated land in mirzapur district , and i am very much intrested in medicinal plant cultivation like tulsi and bhoomi anwala....would you suggest me what would be beneficial to me ...and the buy back agreement terms and condition of medicinal plant mail id

Dear Dr Khan,

I am a working professional based in chandigarh, but now want to set up something in the field of agriculture as an entrepreneur.
I am looking forward to start with medicinal plants. Can you please send more details about the services you provide and the charges and buyout options. As I am more concerned about the end use of the produce and profits before getting into this field.


White akarkara- Time is short

Dear growers

As dormant phase is about to start in various parts of India especially Northern plains, weather is still favouring Akarkara sowing and this is good time to hit for the same expecting higher germination of seedlings.

Please don't miss this opportunity to get benefited with a highly profitable short duration crop. For complete package of cultivation along with free guidance throughout crop growing period and assured buyback, please contact us immediately.

Thanks and best regards

Dr Ubaid Khan
